View Full Version : Somewhere over England - Tiny White Speck High in the Sky ???

8th Jul 2005, 22:00
Hello all

Looked up into the sky today, I can't remember what time, but well after I had got out of bed. I could see a plane high in the sky, a tiny little speck. Well that got me thinking, maybe the pilot would be a pprune reader and would remember going over my house, maybe even saw me and my little lad looking up. So if you flew over England today, really, really high, and quite fast, could you let us know what you were up to please ?


An Teallach
8th Jul 2005, 23:08
I refer the Honourable Gentleman to the answer my Steward (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=181372) gave some moments ago.

9th Jul 2005, 06:38
Hang on - you were those people on the ground, looking up, hardly seeming to move?

If you look just like an ant, that might have been us up there. We were going from A to B. Later on we went from B to A. Thinking about it, we also gave C a glancing blow, too.

Hope that answers your questions.

Bertie Thruster
9th Jul 2005, 08:03
ShyTorque, I thought I saw you going smoothly from B to C and finally to J.

9th Jul 2005, 08:52

It could have been me, didn't see you or the lad though cos I never look down. Scared of heights you know.
Can't tell you where I was going (secret and all that). Well OK - not a secret really, in all honesty I got lost and today I don't remember what I planned yesterday.
I hope I didn't look like a tiny speck, I was hoping I looked suave and dashing:O
I'll be there again on Monday at about 1000Z or 1100 Local and promise to look down on the left side, will let you know if I see you. I may have the dark visor down but will definately be wearing the green gloves :cool:

Personally, I would never admit to going to J:yuk:

9th Jul 2005, 09:14
me me me - I was there too. Not sure if it was you down on the ground - I was the good looking one in the right hand seat (with a map). Does this help Helmut?

Onan the Clumsy
9th Jul 2005, 13:24
Shytorque When you were flying from A to B, were you travelling in a Southerly direction at 200 mph?

I was wondering because if you were, I was hoping that one of your chums went From C to D, (which as every one knows is in an Easterly direction) at about 250 mph.

Please tell me your chum set off 23 minutes after you did. If so, then PM me immediately as I have a question I need answering, preferably in the next two and a half hours.

Also, do you know anyone who is good at lobbing projectiles in a vacuum or leaning ladders up against a wall?

Pontius Navigator
9th Jul 2005, 14:22
Projectiles in a vaccuum is easy.

The vertical velocity at the apogee is zero.
The maximum distance is achieved with a 45 degree launch angle.
The horizontal speed component and time determine distance.
Flight time is twice the time for the initial vertical velocity to reach zero.


where u is initial velocity
v is final velocity
t is time
s is distance
and f is accelaration

vertical velocity is total initial velocity X Sine of the launch angle.
horizontal velocity ditto except it is Cosine of the launch angle.

PS ladders up a wall use the same sine/cosine rules.

Sine = opposite/hypotenuse (ladder length)
Cosine = adjacent (distance of foot from wall)/hypotenuse

9th Jul 2005, 15:32
Hi Onan,

It might have been a yes to at least one of your questions but I seem to have missed your deadline.

Sorry about that, can't help you now. You are on your own, so good luck.

9th Jul 2005, 17:23
Did anyone get any photos?

I think it might have been a terrible waste of fuel and do we really need tiny white specks anyway? I mean, we're trying to cut back aren't we? Do we really need such showing-off at the tax payers expense, who were we hoping to recruit with such a display anyway?

Couldn't have been me, I am on leave and have a 5-day beard so my Oxy mask won't fit. etc

10th Jul 2005, 07:37
The other 2 are:

s = ((u+v)/2) x t
s = vt - (ft^2)/2

Which allows you to obtain the solution from any 4 of the terms s, u, v, f and t.

Good old O-level Add. Maths - always knew it would come in handy!

I suppose that slouching digi-yoof of today doesn't bother with such things as they would undoubtedly 'do is ed in' - and probably also thinks that Calculus is some Greek island where 'me n me m8s' go to get wasted...

Need for Speed!
10th Jul 2005, 08:59

There is a thread for talking about ‘O’ levels, it’s called ‘The Good Old Days!!!’. ;) ‘O’ Levels, I think my Dad did them once… :p

We did the whole calculus thing in my A/S level Maths; mind you, still don’t understand it, it did my ‘ed in. :ugh:

Isn’t Pythagoras that Greek island all my mates went to??

NFS :ok:

10th Jul 2005, 13:36
Need for Speed,

be honest I think during your A/S Level Math somebody told you there was a system called Calculus.

Trouble with "said Calculus" is that you have to understand the maths that has gone on before, otherwise like many,

still don’t understand it, it did my ‘ed in.

Pontius Navigator
10th Jul 2005, 14:09
Beagle, glad to see you had the same classical math background that I had. None of this new fangled a for acceleration and d for distance.

Onan the Clumsy
10th Jul 2005, 14:38
Thanks everyone.

Out of interest, what did you all do in your Summer Hilidays last year? If possible, could you tell me in French? About three pargraphs should do it. :ok:

10th Jul 2005, 14:52
But even I called it 'Geometry', not 'Euclid', Pontius!

'Math' background? Math?... Dear me, how American! You're quite correct, s is for distance and f for acceleration. Also P=m x f, not F=m x a!!

Calculus..... The joy - or otherwise - of second order differential equations. Discuss.......

I don't suppose digi-yoof knows what Gerundive Attraction is either!

An Teallach
10th Jul 2005, 15:48
Salutamus Beagle, flatus veteranus, quondam aviator magnam atque canis fumens. Professor Arithmeticae, Geometriae, Mathematicae et Grammariae. Percarus Avunculus Ppruniensis.

Dignum non sunt iuventes.

10th Jul 2005, 16:22
Ooooooh! Gaelic.:ooh:

10th Jul 2005, 16:37
For Onen

Blwyddyn dwythaf fe es ar fy ngwyliau i Iraq. Roedd
hi'n rhy boeth, yn rhy ddiflas a rwy'n falch ei fod o drosodd.


Letz tes jahr bin ich im Irak im urlaub gewesen. Es war verdammp heiss unt sehr lanweilig. Dieses jahr bleib ich zu hause weil es schoener ist

I heard only French people and homo's spoke French.