View Full Version : Qantas Testing Feedback

L G Cooper
7th Jul 2005, 05:08
Just received, after Qantas psych testing, a curt letter stating (basically): "not competetive to go forward but keep sending updates and your application will be reassessed in 12 months". Does anyone who's had this, or knows of this response, been able to decypher the real meaning? Does it mean get more hours or are they just trying to shine me on?

7th Jul 2005, 06:25

I got a "you have been unsuccessful in your application for employment as a Qantas pilot" letter when I first did testing a few years ago. This letter also said "you are invited to update your file every six months and to request a review of your application after DD/MM/YYYY." Is this the one you got?

When I got the letter, others around me had gotten a two year wait and one guy I know got a "don't come back" letter, so I figured that I must have come close (or at least closer than they did!). I duly sent off my update and was contacted within a week to resit testing.

So I would take your letter to mean that you came close and they'd like to see you again in a year.


PS. Don't bother asking them for feedback on your testing results, you won't get it.:hmm:

7th Jul 2005, 07:59

Dont worry mate, could be a number or reaons for not getting thru this time. Had the same letter about 15 months ago. (now waiting for results of sim/interview) Although you cant get feedback you now know whats its about and maybe you can relax a bit more next time.

The 12 month wait is a killer but hey its better than 2 years.

7th Jul 2005, 23:51
I got the same letter, sat the apptitude testing and got request a review in one year and send 6 monthly updates which I did

After then requesting a review after the designated date, they said I wasn't competitive enough and file can't be processed any further.

That 6 months/1 year/2 year re aplpy/review is not a gurantee that you will get another chance to sit the testing again, as what happened to me.

The majority of people I know got to sit the tests again but not myself, so how in the hell does that work? I have prettty competitive hours/multi/jobs I've worked at so obviously I am basing my previous apptitude skills on stuffign me up

L G Cooper
8th Jul 2005, 08:25
Thanks guys, that's all really helpful.

Is it mandatory that I'll have to resit the testing after the year is up? Is it possible that in twelve months time they open the file and go, "Oh, come in for the sim/interview" and start where we left off?


Transition Layer
9th Jul 2005, 05:05
L G Cooper,

Short answer - YES.

Long answer - it depends on how long ago you did the pysch/skills testing. But in your example, if your score was right on the cut-off at the time, it is perfectly feasible that the next part of the selection process you do is the Sim/Interview. Then again, your score may have been well below the cut-off, in which case you will have to re-do some or all of it. It seems there are no two cases alike!