View Full Version : RAF ENG Os

11th Oct 2001, 12:19
Any RAF Eng Os out there?
Has anyone noticed the huge number of dreadful non aircraft related jobs that exist for sqn ldr and flt lt engineers?? I have just looked at the jobs database and it is full of LITS type crappy jobs. I feel a PVR coming on.

[ 11 October 2001: Message edited by: AirScream ]

12th Oct 2001, 08:11
Er... AirScream, I don't know if you've noticed, but this isn't exactly a good time for anyone to consider trying their luck in civil aircraft engineering. I'd recommend holding on to that PVR for a little while yet. :(

Per Ardua Ad Dole Queue

Genghis the Engineer
12th Oct 2001, 10:56
I hate to tell you this old chap, but as a Flt.Lt. Eng.O you're probably not all that employable in the civil world.

Maintenance managers jobs (essentially a SEngO or JEngO equivalent) in the civil world only go to people with CAA licenses, in addition to management experience.

Technical engineering jobs go to people with several years detailed technical experience (designing or testing things) as well as their Aero-Eng degree.

So unless you're (a) an ex-airman who got civil licenses on the side, or (b) have spent your last tour (or more) in a very technical engineering job somewhere like Farnborough or Boscombe, you're only likely to get either an entry level graduates job, or a non engineering middle management position. Either way, you'll find the money is at best 2/3 of what you get at present.


12th Oct 2001, 12:30
Well aware of all that. Answers - yes to ex-apprentice with licences (sadly gathering dust) aero degree and
C Eng (Thanks Ghengis for replying to a previous thread) and lots of big aeroplane type fleet support work.

It takes a year to PVR anyway - who knows when it will all pick up but it will. Too close to pay-off to jump if I were honest.

The real point I mean to make is that RAF Engineer officers now have a disappointing "choice" of so few decent aeronautical engineering jobs that the branch is becoming even more unnatractive.
I vent here, if nothing more, to warn those looking into it as career. Not to put off but consider the high chance of at least one "IT" tour as an "aerosystems" engineer sat in a derelict office doing everything you joined up to avoid!!

Not looking for career diagnoses from DERA (I know its called QinetiQ) types, just wondering if there are any more RAF Eng Os out there who have noticed the high proportion (and growing) number of jobs in the dreadful category?

[ 12 October 2001: Message edited by: AirScream ]

Genghis the Engineer
15th Oct 2001, 19:28
Humble apologies. For what it's worth, Engineers in civvie life spend much of our time trying to avoid anything to do with IT as well.

I suppose for you it's at-least a 2-way street, nobody I know who found themselves in IT has ever subsequently managed to escape.