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View Full Version : Cathay Pacific or Qantas?

Itchy & Scratchy
30th Jun 2005, 11:24
Howdy Folks,

New to this forum, sorry if I've posted in the wrong section. Just got a quick question and would like your opinions if you don't mind.

If you had a sufficient amount of hours (enough for Cathay Pacific and Qantas) which airline would you choose to work for and why?

Your inputs into this thread would be most appreciative! :ok:



30th Jun 2005, 11:47
QF! Without a doubt...

Safest Airline in the world

Best pilots in the universe


30th Jun 2005, 12:42

Haha..very biased answer.. not hard to determine where you 'may' work, though still respected.

I would have to say, weigh up the odds - If you don't mind living overseas, Cathay is a fantastic opportunity otherwise Qantas...really is a personal choice, that is IF you were offered jobs for both on the same day and a decision had to be made.

Though some may have left CX to go to QF, reports are that some (not all) returned to CX...others accepted CX when facing that hurdle, as others on the other hand would have stayed in Oz. These are of course based on each individual's personal reasons. I suggest you study not only career prospects and opportunities with each company but also lifestyle issues, because moving overseas to work as an expatriate is more complex and involved than one may initially think. If you do make the decision to move abroad, you will learn to LOVE Asia and the lifestyle. Good luck with the research - there's a lot of it to be done :)

Best of luck with the interviews/job offer/s

the maori mobster
30th Jun 2005, 22:40
Would have to say CX over QF.

Lifestyle over $$$. Well $$$ and lifestyle if you like living in Asia.

CX has less Aussie's than QF so would be an advantage. No easy way out.:=

30th Jun 2005, 23:54
:rolleyes: Wonder why there has never been a query to my knowledge on this forum about the choice between CX and Air InZud?

1st Jul 2005, 01:08
:ooh: It appears that you have an interesting problem......

1. It is only a problem if your are offered jobs at both. To be able to choose either CX or QF with simultaneous job offers is the situation required by only a small minority of pilots.
Generally this situation would arise after being employed by one carrier, checked out on line and then another offer from the other carrier. That is not to say that this will ever happen....

2. There are pros and cons to both QF and CX - and neither is a perfect job.....and nor will any job be perfect probably.

3. Should you enjoy a job offer with QF you could possibly gain: a great lifestyle in Australia, near to friends and family if they are from here, a mediocre wage, mediocre conditions, and a mediocre retirement. The days of being paid with high court judges is over. You will probably make some good friendships and enjoy your time at work. Health will probably be pretty good, access to top notch medical/dental is always there. Food choice if living in Sydney will be abundant and living in Sydney will probably only give you a 3 bedroom flat for your kids to grow up in. Promotion will be very slow. Will require careful investments outside of your job for a full retirement....But with the current of company operating style in Australia - you may be made redundant before retirment. Most importantly you can find a very very good coffee in Sydney.

4. Should you enjoy a job offer with CX you could possibly gain: a great and always exciting lifestyle in Hong Kong or one of their basings in Australia/Vancouver/LA/London/Paris etc. You will be away from family and friends, but with better access to staff travel, you will be able to visit them regularly. If you are married, you will not survive the job unless the other half is enthusiastic about Hong Kong. Conditions are good, wage is good, and retirement will be good if you retire outside of Hong Kong. You will definately make good friends (or you will not survive), access to good medical and dental is there (as part of the company conditions). Food choice is good, especially if you enjoy real chinese food (congee etc.) however western style restaurants are expensive. Outside interests from aviation are a pre-requisite for enjoying time off - and a desire for travel is well catered for with destinations such as Thailand/Malaysia/Japan only just a couple of hours away. Accomodation is subsidised or assiatance for mortgage, and gets better when an FO. Generally a small 2 bedroom 800sq' is covered by the SO assistance. Promation will be rapid. Flying is good - however I do understand that recently the rostering has been very ordinary. Rumours of take-overs by the mainland chinese have been flowing. So may make it to retirment or may not. Bring your own really good coffee into Hong Kong when on trips.

5. Being placed in this situation is difficult. However, no matter what the choice is, you must take the good with the bad, and give it your best. If you make the wrong choice....no problem - that is part of life. Keep moving forward and enjoying life.

6. Air travel is a global market. That means that there are jobs all around the world. All you need is determination, and knowing what you want out of life. Then find it anywhere in the world. Australia is a very small place in comparison to the rest of the world...and very niave in terms of job conditions... Should you not be successful with either CX or QF keep going - there is a big job out there somewhere that will suit you.

7. Good luck - and enjoy whatever comes. It is all about attitude.

The Voice
1st Jul 2005, 02:50
Quite a few years ago, someone I know was faced with this exact same dilemma.

It did come down to a matter of where, in the end, that person wanted to be either on reserve or days off.

The answer was QF, and I don't think that decision has ever been regretted.

1st Jul 2005, 05:11
I always wanted to be on reserve or days off.

1st Jul 2005, 08:03
I've always wanted a reserve...perhaps a 1999 Diebolt Vallois 'Fleur de Passion' ??? only days off ?? Nope years...:sad:

titan uranus
8th Jul 2005, 15:15
jeeeeeezus, how about neither