View Full Version : atpl/type rating question

south coast
28th Jun 2005, 16:15
can you guys perhaps clarify something for me...

if you meet all the hours requiremenmts for atpl issue, but are just short the multi pilot type rating, and before you ask how can you be short the mptr if you have the 500 hours multi crew time, it also says you can use time flown on a certified single pilot aircraft, if under national law and regulations it required two pilots.

so i have over 500 hours multi pilot time, but not an actual mutli pilot type rating on my jaa licence, so my question is:

when i start with an employer, and they rate me on a multi pilot type, will this automatically entitile me to the atpl.

i see in lasors, it says that your initial mutli pilot type rating can serve as your atpl skills test too, now is there anything extra they do on the type rating training to make it acceptable to serve as the atpl skills test...or how does it work?

if you go to flight safety in the usa or middle east and do a type rating there, will that also be acceptable to the uk caa, are the flight safety instructors all jaa approved and is flight seafety considered a trto?

many thanks for you help...

29th Jun 2005, 05:52
To get a JAA ATPL issued, i believe that you need a valid multi crew type rating, With 500 hrs, they used to exempt you from the full TRTO course, not sure if they still do. The type rating renewal or initail isuue test counts as an ATPL skill test but should be done after getting the required experience. No further testing is required.
They will only accept JAR approved test so doing an FAA rating i don't think will count, some FAA TRTOs hold JAR approval, you would need to check first.

Jelly Doughnut
29th Jun 2005, 08:49
hi SC

You can count all your multi-crew hours flown on King Air, 1900 etc. It helps if you get a letter from your employer stating that your operations were multi-crew in accordance with SA law and client requirements.

The LST is exactly the same, for type rating and for ATPL issue. The CAA call it an 'observed skill test'. The test is conducted by your company TRE. The CAA inspector sits in the jumpseat and watches... provided the TRE passes you, he will simply add his signature to the test form so that you can get your license issued.

It can be quite a hassle finding an inspector to do your test. Bookings are done centrally through the CAA (approx £690). Give them at least a few months' notice, more if possible. If your sim check takes place overseas you are responsible for the cost of their travel and expenses. They don't conduct tests on the weekends and bank holidays and it will also be difficult to change a booking once made, so get your employer to confirm your LST date asap.

I did well out of them - they gave me two inspectors for the price of one!! A junior one under training and a senior guy to supervise. Not enough jumpseats in the sim and I was a nervous wreck by the end of it!! ;)

A lot of hassle but worth the effort. Good luck :ok: