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View Full Version : Pyrennees escape routes

25th Jun 2005, 17:42
I'm lucky enough to be able to spend time walking in the Pyrennees and due to word of mouth and the odd quiet memorial I am well aware of the efforts and risks the French locals took in trying to get Allied Airmen across the mountains and into Spain. Has anyone come across a book detailing the escape routes across the mountains ( or am I going to have to write it myself...)?

26th Jun 2005, 08:14
If you do a google search for "pyrenees escape routes" it throws up a few good hits.
Good luck with your project!

Onan the Clumsy
28th Jun 2005, 20:05
It makes a nice change to see someone mention that some French people risked everything to help allied pilots escape. In today's climate that seems to get too frequently overlooked.

29th Jun 2005, 12:25
There is an interesting account of one man's escape through the Pyrennees in "Wavetops at my Wingtips", by the late Les Baveystock. His escape and evasion was aided by both the Belgians and French, after he had been the last man out of Les Manser VC's burning Manchester.

Baveystock later went on to Sunderlands, and was creditted with sinking two U-Boats.

A very fine read...