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View Full Version : Forstaff or Poorstaff?

6th Jan 2001, 16:21
Reading todays Aust Fin Rev about the ALAEA and Qf defeating the AMWU for the right to represent staff at Avalon. This does appear to be a very cosy "joint venture." The union which the engineers MUST choose to represent them receives a 4% payroll kickback.

How do you guys who work down there feel about this?

Do you have any backing from the ALAEA when problems arise?

Is uncle Wally who recently resigned as Federal Sec working down there?

6th Jan 2001, 22:57
Don't know much about Aussie and in this case the new maint setup for QF at MEL is it?
But I know that I prefer an association of fellow professionals to represent me rather than an engineering union.The eng unions here,UK that is, always seem to have to tow the line of the big trades unions,not always in our best interests.GUDDAY MATE!

roo 2
7th Jan 2001, 05:47
the ALAEA seem to have sold out there members for short term gains,by sending the work to Melbourne they will have eventually rid Sydney of it's deep maintenance where most of it's members are.The next stage of there sell out is the 767 line going interstate or overseas.There doing a great job in preserving there memberships long term job security.NOT.The ALAEA may be getting kick backs but for eventually who,as there membership will eventually deminish.Maybe the Executive eventually wants to wind up the union and walk away with the procedes as there will be no membership left.They have also managed to deskill the profession of the aircraft engineer as the wage they are offering there AME's is equipalent to a cleaners wage.So there obviously getting top notch trades people to work these aircraft.I myself will be becomeing A LAME soon and I will not be having anything to do with these jokers the ALAEA.