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View Full Version : ASG jet

14th Jun 2005, 22:09
Hello there,

Anybody ever heard of ASG-jet?

It is a company that provides training on a Learjet 25 and after that they let you fly for 1000 hrs at a company in the USA.

I am considering to do this training but I can't find any experiences with this company.......

Is this a good opportunity to get a job when finished the 1000hrs?

Thanx Robmeister

15th Jun 2005, 12:08
More pay-for-training. Great...

Chippie Chappie
16th Jun 2005, 09:04
Hi Robmeister,

I guess you're feeling a bit desperate about your flying career at the moment. I know I was when I was considering such a programme. In the end, I decided against it. The factors:

I think you'll find that the "training" is NOT a type-rating and therefore may not be as useful in the future as you may think (for instance, it will not count towards any JAA multi-crew requirement).

How long will it take to get your 1000 hours? Check to see that it is specified rather than just "when a flight becomes available" as once they have your money, there's nothing to stop them bumping you for the next guy who's fronted the cash.

In the future, how will other pilots respect you for paying for this "programme"?

Anyway, 6 months after my decision not to go ahead with the deal, I landed a corporate jet job (in Europe). Your call.



16th Jun 2005, 11:30
Thanx guys for all the info and i decided not to do the training!!!

First of all it is to expensive for only a training and i don't trust mr v at all....

And chippiechappie thanx for the support and where are you flying now? It is true that i am a little desperate now but indeed there are a few company's that hopefully(they said) will invite me at the beginning of september.

In the beginning i was totally against paying for training evne paying for own type, now i only consider paying for a type and that's it!!!

Greetz Robmeister

Chippie Chappie
17th Jun 2005, 10:32
Good choice Robmeister :ok: . Check your PMs
