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View Full Version : go around at man yesterday?

7th Jun 2005, 18:25
does anyone know anything about an aborted landing at manchester yesterday, at about 16.45 ish? think it was a bmi embraer...saw it from the terminal building banking (north?) and climbing rapidly away from the landing runway....just curious as to why the flight crew changed their minds.....

7th Jun 2005, 18:32
I thought it would be obvious, the aircraft was in a near miss with the runway,flown by drunk pilots , seconds from disaster, passengers screaming and the tarmac is under going therapy for the trauma of a near miss with a landing aircraft

7th Jun 2005, 18:37
ohhhh a comedian! hoho! :zzz: i thought it was a perfectly reasonable question to put to those who know....nevermind.... dont give up the day job mate....

7th Jun 2005, 18:52
Don't worry chrisr150, I am sure there is someone who
will give you a sensible answer in due course.

At least if someone signs himself 'dicksynormous'
we know where the one braincell resides!!

7th Jun 2005, 19:03
A go-around is not news, and is certainly not worth starting a rumour for. Frankly, why would you be interested in a go-around?

Chances are, the preceding a/c hadn't cleared the r/w before the following could be reasonably cleared to land. Or perhaps the approach wasn't stabilised, (no need to explain what that means). In any event, no big deal, chap.

7th Jun 2005, 19:05
to be fair, nobody cares why he went around. can we call it a command decision and resign questions like these to a non rumour or news forum?

7th Jun 2005, 19:25
Riding a DL DC-9 into BOS 04L many moons ago, I heard engines windup as if for a GA well before the MM. We banked fairly sharply off to the right, but did not climb.

Then another fairly sharp bank left, with descent resuming. I was seated at a left window and saw we were lining up on 33. Rolled out of the bank right over the threshhold for a neat touchdown.

While taxiing in the Cpt apologized for the "USN carrier approach" but explained that another aircraft failed to expedite his departure on 04L, and the tower re-cleared us for 33.

The other aircraft was a FAA bird.:p

7th Jun 2005, 19:33
apologies for the wrong forum...oops! no offence intended...i'm well aware go-arounds are commonplace, but having seen it happen the other day, i was just interested as to what circumstances would trigger the decision....i know surface conditions of one kind or another are a frequent cause, but the weather was basically perfect, so presumably it was an ATC related matter or some kind of technical issue?? merely curious as to what type of thing would force this decision...i'm just interested in the job that you guys (and girls) do, apologies if basic curiosities like this upset you cornerstone - you're more than welcome to ask me as many mundane questions about my job as you want, you'll get a patient reply every time.... :-P

Egerton Flyer
7th Jun 2005, 21:23
The reason for the 3 go-arounds was that a little bloke with short legs was chasing a ballon, what had got loose and no it's not a joke:8

7th Jun 2005, 22:07
Why such hostility to the original poster? Listen to yourselves. You realise this is a public forum? I'm constantly astonished by the reaction of 'professional pilots' to simple questions. It reminds me of the reaction of the doctors when my family asked about my dying Grandmother 30 years ago 'How dare you question anything we do!'. Sometimes I think aviation is the last 'unreformed' profession. If you don't know... just don't post.

7th Jun 2005, 22:30
I was the "Air ATSA" yesterday. The VLM F50 landed and reported a "balloon" on the runway. The No2 was immediately sent around. Seagull [I think] started a r/w inspection...he is on the r/w 2nd go around. The E145 is continuing [sp] and was given a late g/a. He turned SOUTH..'cos we were on 06L/R. Can't go north 'cos of the departures.
The balloon came from somewhere in Scotland.

7th Jun 2005, 22:38
Dont worry i wont give up the day job. Its too good:}

8th Jun 2005, 16:11
what is it with bloody spotters and go arounds? it could have happened for umpteenreasons who bloody cares it happens all the time ,what is the big deal??

The Greaser
8th Jun 2005, 16:18
The dreaded go around thread - surely the most despised on PPRune!

8th Jun 2005, 16:46
Here's a hint for those who don't like 'go around' threads.

If you see a thread that's titled something like, oh, let's say "go around at man yesterday?" there's a chance, just a chance, that it might relate to a go around. So just bl00dy ignore it!!! Don't click on it, don't read it, don't do anything with it - and it'll eventually go away.

Sorry, I couldn't write all that in words of one syllable.

9th Jun 2005, 19:15
well, firstly, i'm not a spotter, just happened to be heading back to work in holland and saw it happen as i waited to board my flight and secondly there isnt a big fuss, i was just mildy curious why these things occur in general. thirdly, like i said before, if you want to ask me as many mundane questions about my job (and yes, before you harp on about how skilled/trained airline pilots are, I am actually a highly skilled and qualified individual working in a pretty significant role in a rather large oil company) feel free. i'll always give you a patient and sensible reply, no matter how many times i get asked something, so please, please get off your high horses, its not big and its certainly not clever.

cessna l plate
9th Jun 2005, 19:42
Whilst what you asked is a perfectly resonable question, and indeed a few years ago I would probably asked the same, the replies you have received are not related to any ego trip.

Let me explain.

Speaking for myself, I am a student ppl, I don't have any sort of licence yet, let alone the exhaulted chalice that is the ATPL. Yet I am trained to fly, and to the vast majority of the public, this would appear to be something of a black art. This "mystique" has sadly been further enhanced by the banning of cockpit visits in flight. Put simply, Joe Public doesn't really understand what the game is about, all he knows is that that silver tube will get him to sunnier climes, and that in the event of a crash it makes all the headlines. The reason for this is simply that if an airliner crashes, there is a massive loss of life in one easy go, even though our motorway network claims more lives than aviation every year.

The question you asked is, although reasonable, indicative of one that you your average parasitic jounalist working for the Daily ******* (Insert name of any rag you feel like here) would ask. As the public have to a degree, a fear of flying, a simple non-event such as a go around (we all practice them from time to time) which could be the result of one of any number of reasons, although a man chasing a baloon does appear at the far end of the spectrum, would result in columns full of over dramatised, scaremongering crap being printed the next day.

Sadly, even though I always thought that a degree of some kind was required for entry into the journalist profession, and therefore you would assume some level of intelligence, most journos (note... not all) are that moronically stupid that they post questions like your on this forum, thinking that we as pilots will "spill the beans". It's a bit like asking a group of coppers anything to do with poice work, all that happens is that we all clam up, apart from making plain statements of fact, such "it is an operational non-event", or with the delicate touch of humour, served on a bed of sarcasm.

Bottom line, you got these answers bacause we are not trusting of jounalists, and they have been known to post questions on here, get a sensible answer, that by a miracle of modern jounalism has become "jet in near miss" and so-on. We are not trying to be pompous about what we do, be it a 747, or a cessna 150 with L plates on it like me, anything to do with a break from the norm in aviation, which happens hudreds of times a day all over the world could be blown up beyond all recognition by one irresponsible hack, and scare the general public. That is why you were treated to sarcasm, pomposity and general mistrust. No offense.

9th Jun 2005, 20:23
What a load of crap. It's nothing to do with mistrust of the media. You're getting answers like this because most of the 'pro's' on here, are a bunch of geeks, who for some reason, resort to putting people down, for asking nothing but sensible questions.

Generally most of the people who sign into these forums, have a big interest in aviation and thus ask questions about things they have an interest in. Why insult them?????

As someonoe else said, if these topics annoy you so much, why read them???

+'ve ROC
9th Jun 2005, 20:35
OR....why waste your time and everybody elses time posting a pointless derogatory comment?

9th Jun 2005, 21:15
You are correct. I shouldn't have lowered myself.

Just can't believe the number of times you read a perfectly reasonable question, only to read endless insults.

I apologise for what I said!

Conan The Barber
9th Jun 2005, 21:25
As The Greaser said - The dreaded go around thread - surely the most despised on PPRune!-

When the same question has been asked a Gazillion times people do tend to become a bit tired of it.

There is an excellent SEARCH function here.
Sadly underused though. :rolleyes:

10th Jun 2005, 20:43
Not to sure if you have read this bit, but however, never fear i will show you again!!!!

As someonoe else said, if these topics annoy you so much, why read them???

12th Jun 2005, 11:43
Well given that 'chrisr150' DID choose the wrong forum to start with, once Danny moved the thread at 2016 on 7/6 it settled in the right place. Chiglet then gave the answer. That is the end of it: no need for abusive, trying-to-belittle posts. Several posters have summed up the answers to those who choose to attack, 'Nordams' a good example. Perhaps some of the 'abusers' should consider giving up the 'day job'?

Closing this now to prevent further silliness.