View Full Version : Aviation Law

6th Jun 2005, 18:46

---First post; I hope its in the right folder but this kind of question did not seem to be catered for in any particular area so apologies in advance.---

At the minute I'm training for my PPL and have toyed with the Idea of joining the RAF/RN but have decided the whole "down and do 50" thing wasnt for me. The ATP route is attractive in some ways but for various reasons, I have concluded it wasnt wise either (much to the dismay of my Flying Instructor).

The other major career option open to me is the Law, getting a law degree and practicing as a barrister or getting a career in aviation law (are the two the same?). Aviation Law would be great, but the problem is that I dont know anything about this strange field except for the fact that it exsists. Any help regarding any aspect of this field of the aviation industry would be much appreciated; bearing in mind that my level of knowledge of the aviation law field is zero.

I'd like to know about the kind of work and who I would be working for. Is it courtroom or boardroom based? Is the money good? Is there a market for "lawyers" specialising in aviation and what firms cater for the market? etc...

At this point in time my head is submerged in text-books, as I study for my AS Levels; so I have a fair distance to go before I get someone off the hook after flying under Tower Bridge.

Once again, many thanks for helping a young, if unconventional dreamer and feel free to ask me to elaborate on anything I've said. :ok:

6th Jun 2005, 19:01
This question came up recently, can't for the life of me think which forum it was in, but there was some quality response from some members of the aviation law profession.

Well worth a go of the search function I reckon.

IMHO it's a smart move, not so many poor lawyers around and to quote the advice of a pilot aquaintance's professional pilot father "If you want to enjoy flying, earn a lot of money and do it for pleasure".

Good luck.

6th Jun 2005, 19:29
I'll give the search a go. Thats exactly what I've been thinking, I love flying but would going up for an hour on a saturday lose its appeal if I was doing it most days in a week? Keep the advice coming.

6th Jun 2005, 21:57
I guess I am definitely not one of not-so-poor lawyers around! Yeah prospects are good if you're a solicitor but the pay for the first few years is naaaaada!

Anyway, the post you want is 'Aviation Lawyers' and is still swimming around this very forum somewhere.

Good luck, have fun and if you do end up doing Law as a career, don't take it too seriously or your head will explode.



8th Jun 2005, 20:09
Here's a link to the thread you need.

Aviation Lawyers (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=172735)

It's a thread in the Questions forum.