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View Full Version : gf interviews, England

6th Jun 2005, 15:16
Hello! I'm new here to this forum but i've just been invited to one of the gulf air interviews in England and was wondering if anyone has recently attended one of their interview days and has any latest info on what to expect? This is the first airline that i've applied to and as you can imagine feeling slightly nervous!
Are there are any people out there who are going to the manchester interviews on the 13th june?

Little M
8th Jun 2005, 15:37
The interview I attended took the following format:

First off we had to speak to 2 other girls and find out info about each other then stand up in front of the group and talk about the 2 people you had met.when you had finished talking you had to walk to the back of the room then back again to let them have a look at you.once everyone was finished we were sent out to wait for their decision.

At the start of the day there was about 40 of us and after this first stage they cut it to 15.

We then went back in where and filled out application forms.they also check your skin, hair and check for any marks tatoos etc.

The next stage was a group interview where we were asked questions about living abroad and about the company.You are then taken in 1 by 1 to find out if you got it or not.

try and relax so you don't come across too nervous, the ladies who do the interviewing are really nice and very approachable.

Life in Bahrain isn't all its made out to be though, so if you get the job make sure you really want it.

Best of luck.

9th Jun 2005, 07:48
thanks for the info, doesn't sound too traumatic!

Are you currently working in Bahrain? what would you say the down sides are? Also how long did you wait from interview to actually flying out there?

Thanks again :)