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4th Jun 2005, 05:29

Just wondering what's life like in GA. Whether you buy a house and a car if you have a job which pays you less then $20K in say Alice Springs. How does it work? Where do you get money to rent or buy a house when you frequently move to different locations for a flying job?

Do you buy a car for transport or use public transport? If you could share some experiences on how your daily GA life was , how you got to the airport, etc. where you lived, how you fund for all of it, it would be GREATLY appreciated!:ok:



KID Quality
4th Jun 2005, 06:02
Coming from a well financed family is the go and having a Daddy or Chum with "the right" connections is the way to go! That way you can circumnavigate the "low road"........complete training and straight into Jets with facilitated advancement. Otherwise your on the same sad level as the proleteriat, looking at a life that will scar your liver and resemble a cat fight at the SPCA.

chief wiggum
4th Jun 2005, 06:55
DEFINITELY get yer own car. And not something too modern! Something that has a CARBY, and SPARK PLUGS. Computers in cars are a big no-no, and get yerself a toolkit with which to fix said car.

Having SA Rego is a bonus, as you can pay your rego by mail and / or phone, no matter where you are at the time.You will need a SA address / Friend / Post box though.

Older cars that also run on Avgas are a bonus as well. Sometimes, one will be "offered" a few litres to top up the tank... and of course no one likes you to throw your fuel sample on the tarmac!

Air conditioning in your "new" car is a luxury you neither need nor can afford. This will eventually give you the flu, and you will most probably lose your job.

A BIG car, that doubles as a bed or home, can save you a bit of money.

One last tip: A bloke I used to work with, used to be Chief Pilot of somewhere (don't know where), but he said that he would OFTEN look at a pilots car as a final part of the interview process (without them knowing of course). He found that pilots who had a CLEAN car (not a FLASH car)were probably more likely to look after the aircraft too... hence they would get the job over someone who's car was filled with cigarette butts, coke cans and mcDonalds wrappers.
Don't know how true this is, but found it interesting at the time of posting!

4th Jun 2005, 07:02
If you do buy a car, doesn't it mean you'll have to buy a new one everytime you move to another town?

Thanks for your replies. Please keep the information coming.

4th Jun 2005, 07:29
I started at the bottom of the Aviation industry and it's all downhill from there...

My car is held together with wire and gaffa tape, I've spent less $$$ on my car in the last 5 years than most people spend on their breakfast.

A bloke I worked with had Tassie licence plates- I believe because they are the the cheapest state to register with in Australia. He didn't even have a Tassie address, every year they just sent him the new sticker right across bass straight and out into the desert. He had no shame. I use to say to him, "...but it's a Tassie licence plate..." but he didn't listen. Then one day a head started growing out of the side the bonnet...:eek:

4th Jun 2005, 07:38
locusthunter, please check your PMs.


4th Jun 2005, 07:59
no, you don't need to buy a new car because you will need to drive it to wherever you go.

You have 2 options:

1. Buy a little car as it will be cheap to run on gas, or;

2. Buy an earlier models falcon or commodore wagon as you will need the space to cart your crap all around the country. They are also relatively easy to get repaired anywhere.

ace4bar's girlfriend
4th Jun 2005, 11:54
Anyone who know's Cont 520 will see the wisdom of Chief Wiggum's comment.

4th Jun 2005, 12:19
Just remember....

Dicarded pizza boxes are an inexpensive source of cheese.

The local indigenous bretheren are a good source of hot beer.

Company cars will do 100 k/hr in first gear.

4th Jun 2005, 15:05
I got my 91' excel two years ago for $2000. The way I see it, that equates to $1000 a year. You dont see people driving 50 grand cars for 50 years and thats the only hope I have of feeling like I got a bargain.

Even though,

Radio's stuffed, air cons stuffed, two windows won't wind down, one window is held up with a piece of wood, only 3 of those demister lines on the back window work, she's an auto but stalls when you stop at lights, she drinks about a litre of oil a week, some sort of toxic fume is venting through the dash and just last week I got my first letter from the EPA warning me that a fine is on the way if I dont do something about the "excessive smoke coming from my vehicles exhaust"

Now I know what Adam Sandler was on about!


Saying that however, she's got me to Melbourne twice and a return trip to Maroochy. Hardly in style or comfort but I still love the old girl. We're a team....it'll be sad to see her go....

5th Jun 2005, 00:20
EngineOut, sorry if this is a stupid question but are you serious you'll have to drive your car where ever you go? :ugh: :ooh:

5th Jun 2005, 01:51
You're eluding to my identity, Ms. 4 bars! :D

I'm glad you're of the few that appreciate it though. If only every lass with 4 bars did.... ;)

Certainly a topic of much debate at work these days, for some reason...


5th Jun 2005, 03:22
I live in a caravan on the side of my runway, I am 20k from town, my only company are backpackers (yea I know, hard life hey):E
Its not that bad if you have no baggage or expectations.

5th Jun 2005, 04:11
Hang on, you are saying that you are 20 klicks for the closest bottlo?
Thats harsh man, you need to speak to your boss!

Go where the work is, work that your experience will give you a viable chance for. If that means to some middle of nowhere Community, just do it.

5th Jun 2005, 04:42
I think this is a complete wind-up...

but for those on-lookers who maybe in the same position, my advice is to take the opportunity to knock up 100hrs or so soing meatbombing, and then split the scene.
Many of us have done the same, and ended up in reputable jobs, without doing 'damage' to the industry.
Like I said, it's good to get a few hours up, a bit of experience, scare yourself a few times, and learn.

huh, and then go pay $5000 for some multi ICUS......

(C'mon guys. I had to put that in.......:-)

5th Jun 2005, 05:09
What is meatbombing?

5th Jun 2005, 05:19
Parachute jump:
trienen gebakkonner graund mittaut der fliegenwagon

5th Jun 2005, 05:26
Where can you do parachute jump? Does anyone know any specific parachute jumping company that will hire those who've just completed their training?

5th Jun 2005, 06:45
how about the meatbomb whose 'chute fails to open? in duetch of course
trienen gebakkonne fliegenwagonr befur" unt schtriken unt graund mittaut der parachuten canopy ein dumkoff schwienhunt :\

chief wiggum
5th Jun 2005, 09:18
Condensation -

From the sounds of things, it would seem that GA may be way too hard for you. So here's what I suggest :

Ring Paul Stoddart, and tell him that you want a job... BUT... make it worthwhile. After all, you don't want to leave home do you ?... and make sure he doesn't get you to fly one of those 146's... I mean... that is JUST NOT RIGHT!

Ask him for a company car, and a new ringtone for your phone every month. Along with the company car, you will need personalised plates. Some I can recommend to you are :

737 ACE
737 GOD
DR 737

Hopefully these will not have been taken at the time of your interview.

When you accept the job, make sure that Mr Stoddart knows that you cannot work sat or sun, public holidays, or be away from mummy and daddy too much. If at all possible, friday nights off would be appreciated as well.

The company car:

ensure that the company car is not "Australian!"... I mean, what REAL pilot drives a commodore, or falcon ? Mercedes, and BMW are the go; and not more than two years old either... Jaguars ARE acceptable, but you need to have two of them.
Ensure that the insurance company knows that you are a pilot, and you will get your insurance at 1/2 price.
When you get issued your uniform, ensure that you get 2 hats: One to wear, and one to keep on the back seat / hatrack, so that girls can see it and meet you because of it.

Ensure that the stereo is LOUD, cos you will need to play the TOP GUN theme all the time, especially at lights, and at drive thru McDonalds.

Go and get a Tattoo . : Wings are the best, cos they fit right onto your chest, and can be hidden when you wear your shirt, AND... when you are at the beach, people will see it, and still know that you are a pilot!

Ensure that you wear your uniform when YOU take mummy and Daddy out to dinner in a few years time, as a 21st birthday reverse present.

Hope that this helps you. If not, then maybe you will need to do some RESEARCH and find out what GA is all about! Stop asking STUPID questions and get some real world experience!!!

5th Jun 2005, 09:47
Sorry chief wiggum, thank you for the advice.

5th Jun 2005, 13:45
oh come on chief, he's only a kid. :P


Fact 1: most GA pilots drive old, run-down cars. this is a fact of life. take a look in the carpark at your flying school. Fact 2: It will be necessary for you to drive your car to the different places where you are seeking work. Can you see any other solution?

I understand that you are currently completing school. I commend to you the following online book which may serve to provide you with some insight for your career planning.

The purpose of this book is to assist you in maximising your potential for employment in the Australian aviation industry and to provide you with some ideas that will strengthen your success potential as a pilot. Although a little outdated, the contents are still very relevant to current industry trends.



5th Jun 2005, 14:23
How could I ever have thought I could give away Pprune? This is hysterical!

Nice one, Condensation! :ok:

21st Jun 2005, 05:34
Drove from Caloundra to dn to Derby in a 68 Escort a while back seeking work. No aircon in the wet!! hot !!. No job ,
drove to Adelaide did an Ag rating and ended up in Darwin again with the same great little car. Port Mcquaire IFR, WA Dog baiting then back to NT. Sold it to the (locals) for 3000$ , laughed all the way to the bank.
Now wish i,d never sold it. The attachment of failure and success does funny things to me, (said with a tear in my eye)!!.
Probably never seen again after that. But it never owed me a cent.!!
Cheers Multi:ok:

21st Jun 2005, 09:06
hey raafboy that link sounds good but its not owrking for me is there anyother site like it or another way to get to it

I'm about to set off looking for jobs. the plan is to live out of my car and stay at mates places

21st Jun 2005, 13:22
hi guys,
to those that have PM'd, it appears that the link to the book, which was very insightful to those considering taking the plunge into GA, has been disabled. pity, it was a great read. maybe try the site in a few days time?

21st Jun 2005, 14:07
This has gotta be a wind-up but "seriously" life in GA is great kiddo, just take a look at the rusty old heap of sh*t in the carpark at your flying school. Bound to be a pilot's !

21st Jun 2005, 15:13
Condensation check your PMs

21st Jun 2005, 22:47
Cars ?? Cars ?? The only person driving a car in Top Gun was the chick. Cmon if you are going to slum around Aus, living on the side of the road, flying exotic equipment for crap money it's just got to be a big kick as$ bike.

If you own more than you can fit on the back of a bike you are just not serious about G A.

21st Jun 2005, 23:26
I think the link got "PPRuNe'd", a similar phenomenon to getting "Slashdotted".

Nice to see that PPRuNe has begun to achieve the same notoriety.

For the non-IT people, see http://slashdot.org/ to know what the hell I'm talking about.

Super 64
22nd Jun 2005, 06:11
RAAFBOY?? GA?? bit of a contradiction in terms. Unless you're one of those sorts that joined the RAAF reserve for the uniform, and ability to tell women at party's 'Oh I'm in the RAAF' to which the reply is 'so what do you fly?' to which a quick reply of 'not everyone is a pilot, my position of ________ (insert appropriate, ADMINO, OPSO, NURSEO etc) is just as, if not more so important, we're the people that keep those fly-boys in the air', remembering fondly your brief visit to RAAF Willytown where you saw the line of RX8's, in all the colours of the rainbow, in the parking lot.

or you may be genuine, and have the misfortune of having the name Raafael on your birth certificate.


24th Jun 2005, 01:13
Wind up alert

What a sad little man you are.

I'm sorry you feel the need to post such a message, especially when unprovoked.

I won't bother reading whatever you might reply to this - but seriously, do get a life mate.

Super 64
24th Jun 2005, 06:02
Yes it was a wind up, and I was just kidding, as indicated by the ;)

I was more so curious as to how someone still in the RAAF would be so experienced within GA?

If you seriously took offence to my post, I do apologise, and suggest probably a quick trip to the Q store to get a humour: sense of X 1 issued. Yes another joke ;)

And on another point, I do have a life of which I'm really quite happy with.