View Full Version : where would you guys apply with my hours?

3rd Jun 2005, 03:39
Trying to find that first elusive job, I'm curious to hear where you guys think I might have a chance at employment.

I currently hold an FAA

CPL/ME/IR/CFI/CFII/MEI from my training in the US.

I hold a frozen JAA ATP, CPL/ME/IR

I have just shy of 1500 hrs, of which around 950 is multi time.

I'd consider working pretty much anywhere in the world at this point, preferably flying some sort of turbine.

I haven't done my MCC course yet, I will start sep 10 at a school which is approved for ryan air recruitment, so basically if I do well on that I can get recommended to proceed with the typerating and linetraining and what not.

Companies I've looked at and I will probably apply to include aer arann, aer lingus, city jet, ryan air and air nordic to name a few. Any other suggestions would be most welcome.


3rd Jun 2005, 03:41
Apply to everybody.

3rd Jun 2005, 08:23

Just kidding, 1500hrs seems pretty good to start from.

All the best.

3rd Jun 2005, 08:42
Ryanair placed adverts this week you seem to have the right qualifications.I would stick with that but you could also be the right candidate for flybe.with those qualification APPLY to everyone!

3rd Jun 2005, 09:00

Piedmont and ASA ( and most other regionals ) are hiring at much less than what you've got. As the others said, apply to everybody and his uncle's dog. Good luck.

3rd Jun 2005, 09:37
Before you do anything else, in light of the fact you think aer lingus is an option, I suggest you improve your research techniques.

3rd Jun 2005, 14:15
I have same hours like you, same licenses.
I have looked fore 12 months, wrote hundred of email, contacted people,I have many references, call my friends who are pilots after they filed bankrupt and sold their house for their ex-wife, their kids are in the streets in RO beging for money.

My conclusion is : you have to be damn lucky to find a job as a pilot.
With no type rating, your chance to get a job are close of 0.0001%, with a type rating:0.01%, with 300h on type:0.1% after 30 years old, your chance go back to 0.0000001%

Do not give up, You will meet many students here with no job, who will tell you: go ahead, their is a pilot shortage.

Good luck!

piper pervert
3rd Jun 2005, 20:51
Hey spacey what a positive outlook on life u have!

Im glad there are people like u out there as it means the rest of us wannabes (even ones who haven't had it easy) stand a better chance.

Why bother using this site to depress others just because things haven't worked out for u YET.Every post u ever make is defeatist and very negative.Have u explored every possibility? Taking a non flying job within an airline? Groundcrew? Cabin crew?

There are more ways into an airline and getting yourself noticed than posting your cv into them with 500 other people.Hours and experience count but they certainly aren't everything!

Think u need to think outside the box a bit and CHEER UP! :ok:

3rd Jun 2005, 21:58
bafanguy: Unfortunately I don't have a green card, otherwise I think finding employment here in the US would be fairly easy. Lots of regionals hiring with around 1200 hrs TT minimums.

I think overall the beauty of america is that you have a more natural steppingstone in terms of first emplyment there. In europe you're pretty much expected to just go from school straight to an airline flying big jets while sponsoring your own type rating and I'm not too thrilled about that.

I think you end up with better pilots in the long run, if they have taken their time and experienced all kinds of flying, like instructing, banner towing, hauling skydivers and then work for a smaller turboprop operation before stepping up to the regionals and majors. I'm not sure how I feel about pilots fresh out of school with 250 TT buying a type rating and starting out in a boeing but maybe it doesn't matter...

Anyhow, keep hanging in there and eventually I think we will all get good jobs :ok:

3rd Jun 2005, 22:47
Netjets Europe?


4th Jun 2005, 02:41
See if this fits the bill:




4th Jun 2005, 04:26
Netjets look pretty interesting. This CTC thing, I gather it's some kind of fasttrack program? I couldn't find how much money I'd have to put into myself though but it couldn't hurt to apply.

4th Jun 2005, 11:04
When I started my training in the late 1980s there were jobs for everyone with airlines contacting flying schools for details of anyone coming up to 700 hours. However, things did not last and by the time I managed to get my BCPL issued, the jobs had gone and I couldn't even get an instructor position in order to build my hours up.

However, eventually I managed to get my foot through the door at a local school and slowly added to my experience until I had the magical 700 hours for the issue of a CPL and I went on to complete my IR. I was now in the position of being employable, but with no relevant experience and in a market where there were many people with more experience chasing up the few openings that became available. I applied to everyone both at home and overseas, but despite to numerous letters that I had "putting me on file", for those that could be bothered to reply, I never gave up.

Eventually, I got my first proper job in 1997, three years after gaining my CPL I/R (frozen ATPL) on a corporate turboprop in the RHS. For various reasons I hated the job (believe me, CRM is really really important and when someone insults and swears at you at every given opportunity, your life is hell). However, I stuck at it, watched my hours build up and 5 months later I got a position with a regional airline.

The point I am trying to put across is that you should never give up. I have seen lots of people enter into training, but not complete their ambition. I remember having a BCPL course booked to start on the Monday morning and on the preceding Thursday my bank turned me down for a £3,000 loan. But I found the money on the Friday. There is always a way. Never give up, and write to everyone. When you have little experience, unless you know someone in a position to help you, it comes down to luck. One day your cv will land on someone's desk and you will strike lucky. Phone everyone, and if one day the person says that the company does not accept phone calls about recruiting pilots, call the next and perhaps you will get someone else answering the phone who put you through. Write again to the airlines who you wrote to last month. Your enthusiasm will eventually make its mark. The job will not find you, but you will find the job.

(I have also put this post in the "words of advice" thread)

4th Jun 2005, 12:53
I agree, I remember reading an article online about a pilot who at the bottom of his career had to resort to soup kitchens to survive and he ended up as a testpilot for the B777. I there's a will, there's a way.