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View Full Version : How much do you love Flying?

3rd Jun 2005, 00:22
...and I don't mean your job, and I don't mean going to a great destination, I just mean the actual bit in the plane, up in the air, big plane or small, how much do you love to fly?

3rd Jun 2005, 15:09
Very much. So much that I brought myself to fight my fear of flying!!!
And I like it more on small planes :)

3rd Jun 2005, 15:55
with every fibre of my being!!! :D

Sometimes people tell me I must have been a bird in a former life... lol....

But yes, I love the actual flying part itself, big plane or small...

Small because I feel more 'at one' in the air...

Big plane because, well, it's such a rush on t/o!!!

Even the turbulence can be fun :E

And aerobatics?? Out of this world!!!! :ok:

3rd Jun 2005, 17:19
Sometimes people tell me I must have been a bird in a former life... lol....

Same here, SAME HERE!!!! :}

At work, instead, people who know me well call me "crazy italian bird"... :E

Oh, and there's NOTHING BETTER than a full thrust take off in an empty 757........brace yourself!!! :}

(At this point, I need to see a doctor ;) )

3rd Jun 2005, 18:30
For me, it's the view out of the flight-deck when you take in their tea and coffe and the sights you watch out of the window in a spare passenger seat in-between services that really makes me realise how my job can't be compared with any other.
It's the feeling of taking off into all weather conditions and getting everyone to the destination safely after it all that makes me feel proud to ba a part of too. Also, it's knowing that the wings you wear on your jacket are not just to prove you can deliver a good in-flight service! You know everything you can about the aircraft you are operating on (except how to fly it!!)

Happy Flying!

Rabid Dog
3rd Jun 2005, 20:36
Every minute of it. I dream of flying nearly every night, and am aiming for a position where I can fly almost daily. Mrs. RD laughs at me, as she can sense my excitement about going to the airport, even if we're only picking someone up.

4th Jun 2005, 03:03
After nearly 24 years of flying I will still stop in the street just to watch one fly overhead!!!

4th Jun 2005, 03:33
Anflygirl, ME TOO!!!!!!! Lol! And I work at the airport! So how silly does that look to evryone else?! hehehehe :D

4th Jun 2005, 03:57
haha that is funny..but I'm even worse! If I hear a plane go over, rain hail or shine, I will be outside with my nose pointing up saying "what's on the tail..what plane is it?" lol

I have no words to describe the rush I get from flying. I have always loved take-off and getting the adrenalin pumping!! Even for the most experienced travellers I think we all still say in the back of our minds ":mad: I hope this plane keeps climbing!" ...well for first minute anyway ;)

But despite loving the feeling of flying, I must admit that I have always been scared of turbulence..until I started working in the air of course! I have a fear of falling (don't know if there is a textbook name for that)..you know like that feeling you get in bed sometimes where you have fallen to the ground with a thump and it wakes you up lol :) Turbulence is a bit of a replica for me and because I didn't understand what it was, it put the wind up me a little..pardon my pun.

Of course since actually working in the air I think it is a blast! I remember one storm when we were flying over scotland and we hit two massive airpockets! All the crew and carts came off the ground for a meer few seconds haha..but it was like our A320 was literally on a rollercoaster track! Even the passengers were giggling in laughter cos we were. Of course you get the odd occasion were you just pray the turbulence stops so you dont throw up all over yourself!

I feel safer and enjoy more, the takeoff in "mid sized" planes i.e. A320, B737 etc because I am used to it. Getting back on a B777 to fly home to Oz after working for easyJet for a year, freaked me out. The takeoff was so much slower and heavier lol :) God only knows how I am going to feel when the A380 hits the skies hehe!

Anyway enough dribbling on ;) it saturday...I need to go shopping!

Bye peoples

craic1510 :ok:

4th Jun 2005, 14:33
Guys....I will be forever grateful for this thread and for the people who gave their contribution!!!
It just makes me realise that I am not the only one who's mad :E Join the Club!!!

When I was a kid I loved counting the contrails in the clear sky and learnt to recognise planes from that! I now live close to the airport and I can recognise what kind of aircraft is taking off/landing just by the sound of the engines in the distance!! I love to bet with my friends (and I usually win) and they tell me that I am crazy......they should come and have a peek at this forum :E
hehehehe!! :}

You're a great bunch of people....wish you were all colleagues of mine!!! :ok:


Little Blue
4th Jun 2005, 15:22
Not crew, but have flown all over our network and the world...and I still get the buzz from walking across the ramp, up the steps...right thru to the other end.....even queueing to use the loo...well, maybe thats pushing it....
I even enjoyed skimming the roofs in a Shorts 360, so I must be a nutter ! ;)

spitfires rule
5th Jun 2005, 03:48
I love flying just as much and maybe even more :E than all of the people who have posted on this forum. I Love turbulance and i like flying in any kind of plane big or small as long as it flys its good:ok: Me too rabid dog i get excited going to the airport as well :D

5th Jun 2005, 12:49
Lol,I get excited just going near the airport. As soon as I can smell the av-tur it hits me...

This has been such a nice thread to read, thanks for everyone's response. Its great to hear passionate people talk about the thing they love the best.

5th Jun 2005, 12:57
The Bumpier the Better !!!!

5th Jun 2005, 13:14
As soon as I can smell the av-tur it hits me...

Oh, yes!!

One of the things I used to love was when a particular 727 used to take off at around 7:45 each night. If i was near the airport, I'd hear her go, and you'd smell the fumes for ages afterwards!!! :ok:

Still my favourite a/c to watch take-off, along with the 744! :D

5th Jun 2005, 14:48
It has been great to read your thoughts about flying! It´s really nice to know that I´m not alone with my passion towards flying and planes. :D

I´ve now been working at the airport about three years and I´m still excited to even see a plane! (Let´s not even go there if get to visit one :}) I used to think that I´d get used to being around planes and not be that bothered anymore. But on the contrary, my love for flying has just grown!

Now I´m doing everything I can to really get to fly and work as cabin crew. Fingers crossed that I´ll get invitation to an interview next week! :cool:

5th Jun 2005, 15:06
Just came back from flying my Warrior this morning! I climbed up to 5000ft above the Cotswolds and played in the Cumulus! I even managed to fly through one bit of Cumulus and turned around in time to see my own wake vortex stir it up - sheer joy!!

Love it!

14th Jun 2005, 15:31
As a kid I remember I loved the flight part of my holidays so much, I wanted to get straight back on the aircraft and go home!
The thought of having to wait 2 weeks to do it again was like torture......

14th Jun 2005, 15:43
ya know, everytime I meet someone new.. they always come back to me sometime later and say: "Shnev! I've never been so aware of aeroplanes in my life! Everytime one flies over I think of you".. I don't even realize I talk about it so much, yet so passionately?

the speed, the height... the challenge... and the gentle aroma of jet fuel predsent on the tarmac... (AWESOME)... don't you love that smell.. It should be bottled ;)

Here's to flying... the best career/hobby/sport in the world :ok:

14th Jun 2005, 15:54
Its not just the smell of the Jet fuel....its the "odour-de-Boeing" on board that you can smell on you for ages after the flight.....love it!!!

14th Jun 2005, 19:36
Also known as 'afterflight'. :cool: