View Full Version : Freight companies with caravans in europe

30th May 2005, 18:29
Does anybody know which companies in europe fly freight with C 208 caravans, and what their contact adresses are? I ask this because I am rated with 50 hours on the caravan and looking for a job. Any info is welcome, thanks in advance,

greetz fokkerking!

30th May 2005, 19:21
I think there is a Spanish operator (Swiftair?) & a couple of Scandinavian operators (Benair of Norway & Nordflyg of Sweden) who operate Ce208s. Possibly a couple more Scandinavian operators but the memory isn't as good as it used to be!!

A Google search on the above operators may provide the deatils you require.

Fried Chicken

31st May 2005, 09:15

No chances whatsoever with Swiftair,the company operating the Vans's only recruits
people from American Flyers or Self sponsored guys.

Sorry to give you the bad news!!!

Take care and good luck!!!

31st May 2005, 22:14

1st Jun 2005, 19:46
air med cargo, out of oxford UK. don't know address but there's a website somehwere.