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27th May 2005, 11:31
Gidday all

I guess you all heard that it is raining over here in the wild west and yes all the cockys are out dancing around in it like madmen. The season is shaping up to be a big one this year.

Now for the big question as a contract pilot what liabilities are you liable for, say if a neighbours crop gets damaged whos door do they come knocking on with there hands out looking for a few shekels to appease their damaged pockets and wailling and nashing of teath?:\

28th May 2005, 11:11
Tread carefully, Soloflyer.

Your liabilities may include loss or damage of equipment and all kinds of third party nasties.

For my money, I reckon you want to be talking to the AAAA about this one.

It can work, but I believe it can also be a quick way to get shafted.

Remember also, you cannot be a contractor for just one operator. You have to do at least 20% of your work elsewhere.

Good luck.

28th May 2005, 13:24
Yeah it seems to bit of a touchy subject that lot of pilots take for granted.

Have booked in for Ag rating in a couple of months time and geared up for my supervision in Feb next year but after that all the other pilots we have working for us are all contractors (bar CP) and asume will be in the same boat. How are most guys out there covering them selves or structure there employment??

29th May 2005, 02:45
drift liability falls on who evers AOC and operators licence you are working under, but for example flying your plane into a building or to close to houses casa will go the pilot contractor or not

29th May 2005, 11:20
I for one reckon it is perhaps not so smart putting a new pilot on contract.

Or even a scheme where productivity comes into it too much.

Not for the first 100 hours or even season. One crew I know of used to salary their new people for the first three years.

For safety reasons.