View Full Version : Footy star turned Ranger

Talking Radalt
24th May 2005, 23:22
Anyone else catch the 10 o'clock Int Brief from the BBC?
Clicky here! (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4516025.stm)
Rising NFL star Pat Tillman gave up a $3.5million football career to join the Rangers post-9/11.
Subsequently, and tragically, killed by friendly fire in Afghanistan.
Putting opinions of the US military to one side, I tip my hat to the late Cpl Tillman for taking the decision to vote with his feet and show a bit of national pride and dedication over personal wealth and fame.

"Cpl Beckham" next, perhaps? :rolleyes:

25th May 2005, 00:26
A live topic in the States, as for a month Cpl Tillman's family, including his brother (also a Ranger) were told he died of enemy fire when the Army knew it was blue on blue. Army says some personnel "disciplined" because of the incident but it is doubtful this will be the end of it.

Fire 'n' Forget
25th May 2005, 17:24
Video (http://www.big-boys.com/articles/pattillman.html)