View Full Version : Virgin A340-600

19th May 2005, 23:35

i am travellig LHR/NRT on June 27 and rtn on JUl5.

Having travelled to NRT last year I seem to remember that A340-600s have poor access to the window from row 19. As my travel agent has put me in this row again can anyone form VS confirm this. I travelled out and back on G-VEIL, so is this true of all aricraft.

20th May 2005, 07:22
This (http://www.v-flyer.com/seats.asp) page on V-Flyer rates row 19 window seats as average.

This (http://www.seatguru.com/airlines/Virgin_Atlantic_Airways/Virgin_Atlantic_Airways_Airbus_A346.php) page on Seat Guru warns that row 19 window seats are missing the window.

I think you can go online at Virgin's website and choose another seat, and using the above seating maps with ratings choose something better.

The experts on V-Flyer forum are always full of good advice for people that don't know what seat to choose!
