View Full Version : SIA staff will get 4 month bonus !

13th May 2005, 16:35
Well done SIA !!!! US$20000 for first officers , not bad!

13th May 2005, 17:59
Kinda puts BA's 1.25 weeks profit share into perspective doesn't it?

13th May 2005, 20:20
I think I want to work for SIA!:}

Michael O'Leary listen up. This is how to treat pilots.

Nuff said.

(Well, there is a lot more to it than that, but a little (??!!) bit of appreciation goes a long way)

14th May 2005, 06:11
A bonus of 4 months basic pay is correct.
The amount for F/O is more likely to be 20,000
Singapore Dollars !

(US$ 20,000 looks like a Captain's bonus)


14th May 2005, 06:43
Maxy 101 SQ Pilots need this kind of Bonus to make up the very low Basic Salary. No Pension in SQ or any other Benefits worth talking about!!

PS all Bonus is paid on Basic Salary only.

PPs ddd A bottom scale Captain on S$10000 having worked a full financial year will get S$40,000 =£12900 -19%tax =£10450 =£870 per month added onto a poor Salary which puts it all into perspective. Not to be sneezed at but not to be envied by all and sundry either.

14th May 2005, 11:01
millerscourt At the risk of thread creep, after the taxes have been taken out, I think the SQ expat pilots do pretty well. Its frustrating to work for a company that generates 415 million quid PROFIT and the staff get 1.25 weeks BASIC salry as a bonus. The managers get an additional bonus on top. Bearing in mind, the profit has come from cost savings generated by the staff, I think they should be rewarded more.

14th May 2005, 12:18
To millerscourt: PPs ddd A bottom scale Captain on S$10000 having worked a full financial year will get S$40,000 =£12900 -19%tax =£10450 =£870 per month added onto a poor Salary which puts it all into perspective. Not to be sneezed at but not to be envied by all and sundry either.

Surely a 1st officer get at least US$5000 per month? So 4 x US$5000 = US$20000 ???

Sorry, I meant gb777 :Surely a 1st officer get at least US$5000 per month? So 4 x US$5000 = US$20000 ???

14th May 2005, 12:38
If anyone dares to mention that SQ
FO's get 5000US basic.

THen FO's are looking at another pay-cut
or no bonuses next year.


14th May 2005, 13:03
ddd, you are right but that 's for the top scale F/O's.

Lowest scale F/O's minimum bonus US$12,000

All above not taking 20% tax into account....but don't forget to add the 10% Provident contribution by the Co for Local contracts, coz only locals get this and other than cargo there are no Expat F/o's.

Michael O'Leary listen up. This is how to treat pilots.
PIGDOG, We were actually supposed to get 6 months bonus based on the old Formula...But after narrowing the goal post & shortenning the field & getting rid of the Ref...this is what we get....whinging you might say...it happens to us all the time, i guess most are used to it.

Remember SIA just retrenched 600+ staff last year...now this big profit, does that add up. Was there a need for retrenchment?

Remember SARS, we are still taking the pay cut.

I could go on but hey I am not going to bite the hand that feeds me....Yet!

Thanks! glad I got that off my chest.

Looking at all the other forums, i must ask.... where is the grass greener? Prefect job or illusion?

15th May 2005, 06:52
Captain's basic is S$ 9300
According today's exchange rate

This is USD 5906

But will SIA pay 4x basic months OR
4x basic reduced by the 16% SARS paycut
which is still in force?
Wich would be 4x 5,079

Shall we do the math for F/O ?

Any further insight welcome...

Ty Webb
15th May 2005, 07:05
Who really cares!! The fact of the matter is they got a 4 Mth bonus. If you go there assuming your entitled to a certain bonus then your probably going to be disapointed. They could have ended up with no bonus. I`ll take 4 Mths anyday.

15th May 2005, 07:39
If you're out of a job or you happen to be flying a plane full of rubber duckies out of hong kong, then of course SIA is great. At face value 4 month bonus sounds good enough, but in fact 4 mth computed off a low basic pay - which is what their bonus payments are based on - only raises the bar back to a level a little closer to market rates of other majors. It's not that good, but i'll concede that it's better than none at all. Yeah yeah.... don't bring that United pension stuff out.... fact is, SIA made US$900 million profit AFTER taxes vs those Chapter 11 guys, so that comparison is a bit off the mark.

Good chance that in the following years, this kind of bonuses are gonna be done away with. They're right now stalled on Profit Sharing agreements. And i'll remind you that when the Senior Vice President of HR first came on the job a couple of years back (no need to say who sent him), one of the things i'm given to understand that he said was that "the days of high bonuses are over." Then last year, the then Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew was quoted in the press as saying that just because the airline makes a billion dollars doesn't mean that you need to be paid a bonus. Now you don't need to be a rocket scientist to put it all together to see where this is going. This 4-mth thing is probably an attempt at damage control seeing what a PR mess they'd gotten themselves in ever since SARS in 2003.

If you wanna go, best of luck. There's a lot more for you to find out about this lot.

I know. Been there, done that.