View Full Version : DfT Proposal to apply NASP Requirements to Commercial Aircraft Operations below 10T

12th May 2005, 09:02
Rather a dry title but your eyes will soon water when you've read it.
What's next? Under 2.73 Tonnes?
Kiss the flexibility of the helicopter goodbye - it would seem.
Any thoughts rotorheads

12th May 2005, 10:04
There ain't much detail in your post - is there a link?

On the face of it though, it would seem unlikely to affect UK heles, as few are more than 10T. Perhaps the reason that the DfT only went down to 10T is to NOT involve heles (look on the bright side!)

I am no expert, but it seems to me to be difficult to apply the NAST stuff to ad-hoc heles operating out of ad-hoc sites with no infrastructure. That would be my line, if asked (which I won't be of course). Heles are much more analogous to taxis and limos. We do get some of that stuff if we go to a special event these days - passenger lists and nationality details etc

12th May 2005, 10:36
"On the face of it though, it would seem unlikely to affect UK heles, as few are more than 10T."

I thought the title of the thread was implying it would apply to aircraft BELOW 10 T?

12th May 2005, 10:46
It does, and if introduced would see the end of convenient helicopter usage as we know it! A scary piece of legislation.:(