View Full Version : Are you thinking what i'm thinking????

12th May 2005, 00:44
Hi, i was generally interested in getting opinion from folks in a similar situation to myself.

Like most people i'm desperate to become a pilot and have more or less resigned myself to the fact that i'm self funding. I'm doing the ppl and i basically find that every second i'm in the aircraft i love and every second out of it i just want back in!!!

To keep the family happy i have endured years of university and done a course completely unrelated to flying (law).

I'm curious if other folk in this situation find the stress of doing something you don't like annoying because people are always saying it's good to have options, i don't want options i want an ATPL.

So if you know what i mean it'd be good to hear from you.

12th May 2005, 08:47
When, as is quite likely given the odds, you find that you're 30 and you still don't have a flying job, you may be very grateful for that law degree!

A great many wannabes never make that airline flight deck, and discover that they have to find another way to earn a living (and probably pay off the huge debts they've incurred). Those with an alternative professional qualification have a head start...

Oh, and it's not the ATPL you should be lusting after, it's a job! ;)


12th May 2005, 10:12
I sympathise with you!

I went to Uni and then worked (albeit in a career I enjoyed) for a number of years before doing what I REALLY wanted - many people you will meet in flying will tell a similar story.
For me, it took a number of years and (not to make myself sound old!!) a certain maturity to take the plunge with that amount of cash.

Scroggs is right - the fATPL is only the very basics. Those of us who have it are only a tiny step closer than you are right now!

Its a funny old situation I now find myself in!
Me and many others!
And possibly you in a year or so!

Im just finished my ATPL/CPL/IR. I have a degree and a specialised career behind me but at the moment I'm finding it difficult to find ANY fill-in position.

I'm torn between playing down the flying on applications (referring to the time as a year out for 'personal development') or mentioning that I have a pilots licence which really looks a bit silly when you're going for an office/admin post or similar!

I've been job-hunting for only a few months so I'm just setting out down a long road but while there are jobs to be had, it is really difficult.
There are very few opportunities out there for us 'just out of school with 220hrs' people.
A handful of regionals give me hope....but even then, they seem to now be stating 500hrs before you get a second look.

Out of everyone I met at my school since early 2004, I know of only five people who have a flying job.

Don't get me wrong - I'm a positive person, I really am!! It can be done and they give me hope!!

I would not change what I've done. I love the flying and I love the thought of doing it commercially. It's an achievement and that's not to be forgotten despite the fact that we're still at the very bottom of the list as far as our future employers are concerned!

It's a strange one because If asked I would say go for it but keep those options open for the time afterwards when they may just come in handy. The reality is that a commercial job may be some way off and after considerably more expense than the ATPL/CPL/IR already costs.

Its a funny old business!

12th May 2005, 18:17
lola737 I cannot agree with you more.

I finished in 2003 as a part sponsered cadet. Didnt get taken on :( most of us didnt (Well those that passed)

Had a ok job before I started the full time flying, have a very good degree. Went back to work after the flying training to help them out for a couple of weeks but that was all as they had to employ 3 poeple to fill my postion (Ok I was very good)

I then spent almost 16 months not being able to get a job (any job and I do mean any, I applied for everything from bog cleaner, to electrical spaceship component designer), not even a interview. So in the end I stopped putting commerical pilots licence, etc and just listed the whole thing as professional qualifications cpl, me/ir, mcc and said nothing more about it and low and behold second job I applied for after the change had an interview and job.

12th May 2005, 18:30
Same position mate. Doing engineering. Hate it now!!

But we gotta keep on ploding along cause it'll all be worth it in a year or two.

Keep your hopes up and keep that dream at the front of your mind.

Remember the wise man builds on the rock, the foolish on the sand. U just wait for the storm & watch while the others fall down around us! ;)

12th May 2005, 18:50
But we gotta keep on ploding along cause it'll all be worth it in a year or two.
and a year or two...and a year or two....and a year or two.....and a year or two................................................

ah well, I'll get there eventually..