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View Full Version : Phone Cards - Help!

11th May 2005, 12:54
A friend is travelling to Melbourne in two weeks time to see Kylie in concert (a competition prize) and needs to know the best way to call the UK from in country. Could anyone suggest a cheap and reliable phone card to buy and also where to get it from?? Thanks!!

11th May 2005, 22:42
What's this thread got to do with aviation ??

11th May 2005, 23:26
He's looking for a fly-by-night phone card company.


11th May 2005, 23:34

compressor stall
12th May 2005, 04:55
any number of calling cards that offer about .5 to 5 cents per minute, depending if you dial the 1800 number or a local call number.

Defenestrator love the name! I'm still trying to drop defenestrate into a conversation without sounding like a pompous pratt; alas to no avail as yet! :sad:

12th May 2005, 22:18
If you have a question for Australian or NZ aviation professionals place it here.

QSK? I have a question and thought I would ask fellow aviators who are on scene for some advice. It might not be aviation related but thanks for your hospitality. Everyone else.... Thank you JT2

12th May 2005, 23:08

v : throw through or out of the window; "The rebels stormed the palace and defenestrated the President"

Hmm. Learnt another new word today..........


"When inebriated, he defenistrates the empties".

"He defenestrated sanity!"

Yeah, yeah! :}


12th May 2005, 23:43
Yeah it's a bit good isn't it. Came across it in the dictionary one day and liked it. 'To be thrown through a window'. How could ya not like it.

compressor stall
13th May 2005, 00:48
Although with the suffix -or would not you be doing the throwing?

Defenestratee does not quite have the same ring to it...:confused:

13th May 2005, 03:02

To me it sounds like:

1- The next version of the TX-1000 Terminator machine
2- An improved version of the burner can in the turbines
3 - A place in the turbines where you can cremate birds if they get sucked in the intake. :}
4 - Or a defense administrator ?????.....huh ??
Cool name though........... I hate mine.

Wait...edit, edit.............. what's with the phone cards again ?

13th May 2005, 04:18
Nah, I'm sorted now. That card link was perfect. If you don't like your name, why dont you go mad and change it? A good thread might be why and how you made your name up?

Arm out the window
13th May 2005, 05:37
Great word - "When no-one was looking, they defenestrated the ops manual and did whatever they damn well felt like..."

13th May 2005, 06:36
Are you lot sure you're not all angle parked in a parallel universe at the moment?! :sad:

Either that or you've got too much time on your hands! :bored:

13th May 2005, 08:01

Sorry mate, it was a bad day that day. My apologies.

13th May 2005, 20:51
No probs, we all do!! The reason I asked is that prepay cards over here, to use over there, are $2 a minute!! Thieving bas***ds!!