View Full Version : ACN/Schreiner prereqs?

psycho joe
6th May 2005, 12:08
Now that ACN and Schreiner are part of CHC, what are the flying experience and licencing requirements to apply?

Does anyone know if they're hiring at the moment?

6th May 2005, 16:05
...somehow I think that they still require some previous experience...

psycho joe
6th May 2005, 23:17
No **** sherlock....the question is HOW MUCH?

B Sousa
6th May 2005, 23:45
As to the above, it sounds as if : 1. From the U.S. 2. Attitude of a Helicopter Pilot.

How about contacting the company, Im betting they will let you know. This is a rumor forum and you have to expect to get hammered. Thin skin just gets more posts...........


Nigerian Expat Outlaw
6th May 2005, 23:52

To have a ball park chance of getting reasonable advice, what do you have ?



P.S. Mr Sousa is dead right !!

psycho joe
7th May 2005, 01:34

I'm not American nor am I a helicopter pilot.

So far I haven't found a website that shows their min requirements.

I've spoken to several people in CHC but no-one has an answer.

I was simply hoping that someone at the coal face might have an idea.

B Sousa
7th May 2005, 02:02
In that case and in a more relaxed statement Why would you be asking?
Are you planning on becoming a Helicopter Pilot?? Are you a Fixed wing type and experienced in some fashion?? These are all helpful items when your asking for assistance.
I mean if your looking for these particular items you must have some agenda.
The website has contact info. Maybe you should ask for the contact info in SA..........
We are at your service.......Psycho or not....
Im also not familiar with this "at the Coal Face" please explain

psycho joe
7th May 2005, 05:42
I apologize if my post was obscure,

I understand that CHC now operate DHC-6, DHC-8, Convair 580, and B-737 type aircraft.

I am a fixed-wing pilot. I've got nothing against helicopter pilots but I don't intend to become one. I've got several thousand hours experience, a lot of which is in muli-crew twin turbine aeroplanes flying in several countries.

By "someone at the coal face" I mean are there any employees of this particular company that may have an idea of hrs required etc.

My only agenda is that these guys seem to have a pretty good name around the world and I'm interested in finding out more about them.

7th May 2005, 10:15
Most fixed wing pilots are now Nigerian nationals. Very few expatriate left. Your best bet is to contact ACN direct.
email: [email protected]
I am afraid that they are only looking experienced expatriates for helicopters...

B Sousa
7th May 2005, 13:42
Makes sense, The Fixed Wing side........Since you have been around based on your listed experience, Im sure your aware that a face in the door works better than a Resume.
I do believe they are Canadian at heart, who have expanded around the world. My experience with Canadain companies is that they will work anywhere they can get away with it, but have a problem employing non-Canadians unless nobody else wants the job...... One company in the Gulf comes to mind, but not necessary to mention.
At least in the helicopter market they have a lot of folks and contracts in the states, but would rather not hire U.S. pilots.
That is a generalization and may not apply to CHC.
Again, if you dont find it here and cant get one of their Pilots to respond, and your serious, I would be knocking on the door.

12th May 2005, 14:22
Guys, CHC may have taken a corporate stance not to operate fixed wing services any more in which case this is all hyperthetical. Currently crews in Africa are wondering about their future and trying to stay employed themselves.

However, go for it nothing ventured nothing gained they will only say no - can you fly 76's or 332's?

surely not
12th May 2005, 14:36
What's more, they are a very professional outfit as far as travelling on them is concerned, and the few of their pilots I have met in Goodies bar at the fabulous Sheraton in Ikeja have been good blokes! In fact they are no different to pilots the world over, they also suffer from 'deep pocket, short hands syndrome'!!

24th May 2005, 09:29
Phsy Joe,

CHC operated FW : Convair - 2 ea - S.A. ; DHC6 - 6 ea - Nigeria + Cameroun/Chad; DHC8 - 4 ea - Nigeria + Cameroun/Chad; L45 - 1 ea Nigeria; HS125/800 - 1 ea - Nigeria; B737/300 - 1 ea - Nigeria. Changes (increase B737-2 ea + DHC8/Q300-1ea) pending......

Currently no positions offered . . .

You may wanna contact : [email protected]