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3rd May 2005, 17:23
Hi I am doing some work with my airline on recruitment events, crew assessments and associated stuff. Does anyone work in this area or can anyone suggest where I can get some ideas?

8th May 2005, 18:30
I once researched this purely by trawling airline websites, getting application forms (the questions give an idea on how they assess), applying for positions and then attending assessment days & interviews. There are various companies which give you ideas on types of psychometric testing available, and various HR companies which will happy consult you on a recruitment process to fit your airline (for a ridiculous fee).

Best thing is to list everything you look for in a crewmember then find a way of putting as many of these measures into a test, either written, team orientated, mental, physical, or question based. Just remember it has to easy to monitor and measure the results against your original aims and objectives.