View Full Version : USA Airfield Directory

2nd May 2005, 20:07
Could someone please advise me what the standard reference directory is for listing USA airfields. I took a photo of an airfield from 33,00ft recently whilst flying Seatlle to Chicago (AA868) and I would like to identify the airfield in question.

It was a 2 runway airfield next to a sizeable town in (I guess) the Montana/South Dakota area, as it was about half way into the flight.


3rd May 2005, 05:27
If it was abandoned have a look here http://members.tripod.com/airfields_freeman/

The Greaser
3rd May 2005, 11:17
Like finding a needle in a haystack - practically every town in the US has an airfield. You will need a 1:500000 VFR sectional chart or an AF/D (Airport Facilities Directory) to help you.

3rd May 2005, 12:03
I was thinking more along the lines of a USA equivalent of the Pooley's Directory, albeit in a about 20 volumes for the american version !

Don't think it was disused, but hard to tell. Having thought about it further, it was past the point (flying eastwards) that you see the lakes/river Misssouri snaking away southwards. In that case, we're looking at North Dakota.

I can e-mail a photo to anyone who likes a challenge !

May be someone knows an American Airlines pilot who could help ?


3rd May 2005, 18:12


VEEPS :ok: