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View Full Version : Night Rating info please

24th Apr 2005, 22:26
Can anyone advise me where I could go and do a night rating all in one night in the UK

25th Apr 2005, 05:13
Try the clubs at any place where there is night freight going on. Coventry, East Mids, Bournmouth, Edinburgh, etc. At least the airport will be open and you don't have to pay for the extension.

Genghis the Engineer
25th Apr 2005, 06:21
5 hours of training in one night? All in what is presumably a totally new flying environment to you?

Just a little optimistic I'd venture.

Incidentally for private purposes anyhow, (civvie test flying is never done in the dark anyhow) I do increasingly wonder why I ever did mine, virtually no UK airfields ever open at night except for night training, which rather defeats the point to my mind. Mine gets used occasionally, but never with pax since I never manage to get the night take-offs and landings in that would allow it.


25th Apr 2005, 07:39
I agree, totally pointless rating but it is a requirement for CPL issue and a requirement for starting an IR course. Coventry seems to be the place as Southend is ridiculously expensive.

mark twain
25th Apr 2005, 19:52
EGGC - give me a call and I will try and get it sorted for you.

I still reckon do it over two nights - one night is hard work and not advisable.

Let me know how the CPL is going.

25th Apr 2005, 21:12
I got the wee beasty last January, but I have no intention of using it in a single-engine aircraft.

26th Apr 2005, 21:15
As for an instructor's point of view,
Doing the complete nightrating in one night, might not be the best idea.
Besides the fact that it will be alot of new experiences for you, there will be groundschool involved, as well as a nav-trip, for which you have to prepare.
And most likely you will have to get some fuel, there is not a lot of planes that carry 5 hours endurance plus reserves.

All in all, there will be alot more time involved, then the already required 5 hours. I'd try to atleast split it up in two days.


The Flying desk
5th May 2005, 22:41

Could you please let me know how you got on.
I'm in a similar situation and need the rating ASAP but dont want to pay the earth.
