View Full Version : 99 Sqn - Thunderbirds Are Go!

21st Apr 2005, 10:01
Saw some magnificent newsreel footage very recently about the Australian troops being sent to relieve the Dutch who are looking after the Japanese in the Gulf. All very stirring and patriotic with senior pollies waving the boys off.

However.............who should be carting them off to war but a C17 of 99!! Needless to say it was not mentioned that the Australian Defence Forces had to beg a lift from the RAF.

Take heed - reduce your forces to an unacceptable level at your peril!!

PS: From an ex-pat Brit - thanks 99.

21st Apr 2005, 10:12
Need I say more Its the RAFs most serviceable Kite and we dont even own it. Glad to help out.

21st Apr 2005, 14:14
The Ozzies are taking the cheapest options for troop/equipment deployments, including the leased IL76 that does the milk run from Oz to Fujeirah and on onwards to "Western Asia Desert Locations", obviously the C17 came in as the cheapest option....i.e. Free!

We wouldn't have begged for a lift, we would have offered a few cartons of VB (a real man's beer) and some soap.


Good planning if you ask me.


Moe Syzlak
22nd Apr 2005, 17:00
VB tastes so bad they serve it ice cold so you can't taste the muck. Most likely soap on a rope if its from an aussie. That said, why shouldn't we give them a lift if they can't get there themselves? I'm sure they'll do a good job.

Runaway Gun
24th Apr 2005, 10:12
They probably gave away a few glossy recruiting brochures as well (just to beat the Kiwis to the punch). ;)