View Full Version : meeting on 27th

19th Apr 2005, 03:59
DUE To the fruitless exercise (YET AGAIN) of turning up to the meeting on the 18th!! There is only one of two things to do. With the meeting on 27th

That is A) Nobody who is in Dubai should TURN up :p :p

OR B) Everybody that is in DUBAI should turn up :\ :\

I WILL not be there!!!!:ok:

19th Apr 2005, 05:36

The clearest message that can be sent to these people is to boycott the meeting on the 27th.

We have to face the fact that NOTHING has been achieved by attending these meetings in the past and nothing will probably be gained by attending this one. If I want to be patronised and treated with disrespect I can stay at home!

The situation has deteriorated to the extent that the only action we have here is inaction; Not working days off, not attending meetings on our days off, not using 'discretion', not accepting posts with no pay or credit, not accepting that things will be alright if we continue to bury our collective heads in the sand.

19th Apr 2005, 06:04
Whilst I support the sentiment of not turning up to the meeting, and I definitely wont be going, that will not achieve anything. I went to my first meeting last year (having been here quite some time) and noted that the audience is made up mostly of sycophants who get a huge amount of satisfaction by being told they are part of the greatest airline on earth, and spend most of the meeting applauding themselves. No one there is likely to, or will probably be allowed to ask any hard questions. And if not one pilot turned up, no one would even notice. The usual suspects from flight opmanagement will be there to high five each other and tell everyone how good they have done over the last year.

If you are unhappy the only real option is to leave. Not that it will have any impact on our management, nor will it change anything for those who stay, but at least you may be a bit happier.

BBJ King
19th Apr 2005, 06:23

True, so true.

19th Apr 2005, 06:32
Good post Vorsicht and I agree. If no pilot turned up then no one would notice. The usual middle management will turn up and shout "Hooray!!" just as they always do, not knowing that the big cats get a much greater bonus.

I predict that the mood will be lower than last year and that oil prices will be the excuse for the lower profits, but then don't DNATA sell fuel at the airport and so don't we get the profit as well?