View Full Version : EK Applying for a US Visa - Complaints treated as Disciplinary Action

12th Apr 2005, 13:46
I see the crew portal is expanding its remit and now giving some usefull advice on how to apply for a Visa. A positive sign youmight think.

Well read it, even though when you do go you will be asked to do it in your own time, unlike the cabin crew who get a visa day rostered. You fellow proffessional pilots are advised on the Web Site "Any Complaints will be treated as disciplinary action"

So let me get this right, they trust you with a $200000000 aircraft, but tell you to go and get a visa on your day off, then threaten you if you manage to upset one of the consulate staff, which having been there wont take much more than "excuse me how long can I expect to Wait ?"

Are they just trying to deliberatley piss us off.

13th Apr 2005, 04:33
Disciplinary action. Who cares. The fact that you have the time to even read S**t like that on the portal shows you can be spared to go down to the US embassy on your day off.

Then again the fact that management has the time to write the s**t must mean that they have sorted out the more pressing issues like crewing aircraft and fatigue problems.

Don't sweat about the small stuff RTP it's not worth it. Go to the beach instead and while your at it leave your phone at home.


14th Apr 2005, 20:17
I see the offending bit of text has been removed well done guys, maybe you can start to read the rest of the stuff the department puts out before publication. May I suggest you try this strategy for the multitude of FCI's / FCN's you issue of which about 10% were withdrawn straight after issue last year because of errors and ommissions.

Anyway its a start !:ouch:

LHR Rain
19th Apr 2005, 17:14
Why in the hell would any pilot go anywhere on his days off for the company and NOT GET PAID? Are we professional pilots or just YES men that when told to "jump" we jump? No one should go get any visa without some form of compensation. This is precisly the problem with this rag tag airline, pilots with no balls. That is why we are paid the way we are, that is why they treat us the way they do and that is why things will never change. Do you think that BA pilots would go run down and go get a VISA when demanded to? No the company would have to beg and plead as well as pay the professionals. Lets start acting like pilots here and maybe we can actually look BA, Air France, and Luftansa pilots in the eyes as equals. We certainly can't do that now.

Believe Brother
19th Apr 2005, 17:43
LHR, I understand your sentiment. However, word has it that if you 'inform' the fleet management that you would like credit for the visa visit, in the same way the cabin crew are given credit, their answer is 'do it, or face a "review of your employment"'. Maybe somebody should call the bluff, as I suspect such a threat would fall flat even in a UAE court; however, that may entail more stress than most people here can be bothered with. Much easier to just walk away.

LHR Rain
20th Apr 2005, 08:44
That is why we will always be treated like second class citizens. I have not gone down to get my US or my Chinese visa and I have not heard anything. As I metioned before it is high time we start acting like professionals and maybe we will get treated and compensated like professionals. Until then quit your bithing.

23rd Apr 2005, 18:44
LHR Rain

lookth like your'e the one thath's doing all the bithing!!

LHR Rain
24th Apr 2005, 04:51

You are right on. If we stood together and did not get our visas (amoung other items) we would not be in the shape we are in as a pilot group. This has to be without a doubt the most scared pilot group ever to wear the uniform. Stand up and be counted and EK mangers won't treat us the way they do.