View Full Version : Night VFR requirements for CMEIR holder?

12th Apr 2005, 08:26
Hi all,

Anyone know what else is required to legally fly a night vfr flight, if you have a CMEIR but never did the ngtvfr rating? Eg. a normal ngtvfr flight, not downgrading on the last leg from an IFR flight.

Is it (1) dual 3hr night vfr nav to fly private ops?

How about commercial ops / freight, night vfr?

I assume no further flight test is needed (?)


12th Apr 2005, 10:44
You need to be current NVFR (3 t/o + Landings per 90 days)

Also meet currency for MECIR.

Make sure aircraft suitable, i.e Instrument lights etc.

And mate read your CAO's!

12th Apr 2005, 10:49
Cannot do charter or RPT with a NVFR only, must have a CIR. Maybe this thread will help http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=130015&perpage=15&highlight=NVFR&pagenumber=1

If you dont presently have the rating, and require it for employment, a flight test would be required.

13th Apr 2005, 08:14
thanks, just read your link to that thread.

My take on all that is If I want to be able to file a ngtvfr plan, I still need to do some dual nav/s to complete the 'aeronautical experience' requirements, but no flight test.