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View Full Version : Pax smoke hoods?

10th Apr 2005, 19:14
A fire man I know seems to think all airlines now issue smoke hoods to pax.
Anyone got any clues?!

10th Apr 2005, 20:04
My company and i think most just have them for the crew x

11th Apr 2005, 01:14
Mummyred; :O ROTFLMAO
On the new A380 they will be in a stowage under the swimming pool !!
Re. Clues ; your fireman wouldnt have any :*

11th Apr 2005, 02:10
They are not recommended for pax as the time to put them on is longer than the certified evacution time.

11th Apr 2005, 06:46
I have on of my own that I carry carried in a small cannister that is just pulled over the head with a mouthpiece on the cannister.

Puts on quit quickly after trying on a time expired one.


11th Apr 2005, 08:35
Could be a very valuable thing, if only you knew how to use a such a thing. We continue to fill the interiors of a/c with stuff that gives off noxious fumes when combusted. They say that a couple of lungfulls of that stuff and you are on the floor - death follows shortly after.
I'm all for it. However, bear in mind;

i) The beancounters will never stand for it.

ii) I at least partially agree with Biscuit Chucker - a cabin fire in an airliner is a very bad day out, not liable to end happily.