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9th Apr 2005, 10:05
Yes Sir, I agree entirely about the working conditions between Air Pacific and Rishworth. having worked for Rishworth in the past the conditions stink. Iv'e always said that I'll never go on contract again which involves Rishworths, but what if nothing else is around then they have you by the bollocks.
Also, of course, Air Pacific isn't exactly the dream Airline to work for either. Very, very hard to work with the Native Local pilots who hate working with the Contract Pilots, so watch over your shoulder. I believe the standards are such that there is no discipline within the Airline what so ever. If you are a Native indigenous Fijian, then you will be looked after and mothered no matter how bad your Sim and line checks are because the Chief pilot is a Native. If you are an Indian Fiji then watch out all the time, they hate Contract Pilots and think they are Gods gift to aviation.
Anyway, just be weary about the working conditions both with Rishworth and Air Pacific, they are both as bad as each other. It certainly is not an Airline if you intend to save abit, with those working conditions you are still struggling to live in Fiji as a professional person. I believe Rishworth and the Contract Pilots have been trying to make up a new contract. This has been going on now for a year I hear and still no closer, just the same old fashion contract that has been in use for a long time.
Anyway, my thoughts are to keep well away from this Airline.

Sheep Guts
9th Apr 2005, 14:56
I would have to agree with WASA on the subject of Rishworths. Ive had very average response from them on many occasions, in my quests for jobs. And sinse reading this thread and others Ive read and from personal experience, i am on the verge of pulling my resume with them. Even to the degree them saying I was no very marketable. They are lucky they have a avery bouyant job market at the moment. There are alot more considerable and quality outfits out there. IN fact check out this link.



P.S. Quite a few more to choose from than Rishworth.

But remmember guys in the end direct contact with someone in Flight Ops is more desired where ever you look for work.

Remmember aswell guys when supply meets demmmand all of these companies will jumphead over heels to speak to you, prior this forget and infact you may be lucky to get a call except for an automatic email reply .:rolleyes: :E

12th May 2005, 03:23
Local pilots move up ladder
AVINESH GOPAL (Wednesday, May 11, 2005)
PROGRESSION training of local pilots at Air Pacific is continuing to fill positions now occupied by expatriates.

The airline's chief executive, John Campbell, said expatriate pilots would progressively be released as local pilots qualify to fill the positions.

Mr Campbell said 13 local pilots had resigned from the airline since December last year.

He said reports that more pilots had resigned recently were not true.

He said pilots who left the airline ranged from captains to first and second officers, who flew the B747, B767 and B737 aircrafts.

Asked whether the departure of the pilots had resulted in a shortage at the airline, he said: "No, we have sourced expatriate pilots to fill the vacancies and progressed B747 second officers to B737 First officer roles."

Mr Campbell said four local pilots were recruited recently and six more would be recruited by the airline by the end of the year.


20th May 2005, 05:26
VH-WASA - Am trying to read your comments with some objectivity but that seems to have gone out the door with unfortunately biased and opinionated comments. Can we assume that you left that airline on a bad note hence the bad report? My personal experience flying in Fiji was a good one. It would be good to return to flying there some day.

My 2 cents


Flight Detent
22nd May 2005, 04:51
Really Tool.......,

I think WASA is right on the money, as I remember it at Air Pacific, I worked for them last century, where they will always remain. Not a good airline to work for at all, and one with quite low maintenance and ethical standards.

Cheers, FD :yuk:

22nd May 2005, 07:10

I had about 11 or so months with Air Pacific just after the collapse of Ansett. I was looking forward so much to work in Feejee as I love the Pacific Islands and have worked round the Pacific before, building my hours.
I found working there was a very uncomfortable atmosphere with the low maintenance standards, the corruption that filters down from as high as the government, the racial bitterness that is a part of every day life, and worst of all the hatred towards the contract pilots from the local pilots whether they be ethnic, white or Indian Fijian. There is absolutely no discipline within the Airline due to weak management which leads to low standards and very poor CRM. Because of this, I found the working environment very difficult especially after working for an Airline with very high standards. I must say their would be a hand full of local pilots on the 747 who are very professional and treat you with respect but most of the hatred is from the local pilots on the 737, 767.
Alot of these local pilots have relatives or friends in government and are always bitching about how contract pilots are taking away pilot jobs for locals. They write letters to the local newspapper, and to the Dept. of Immigration objecting to having contract pilots employed in Fiji. I believe some time ago, the pilots union actually wrote letters to the Australian and New Zealand Tax departments giving the names of all expatriate contract pilots working for Air Pacific, thats how treacherous they are. You will find that just about all of these local pilots have dual citizenship or residency of another country with property in Australia and New Zealand. Would love the tax people to audit them all. When they get some experience they show their other passports alright whilst stabbing you in the back, find a flying job in your country for your airline then when they meet up with you again sometime in the future, they treat you like a long lost friend. Very short memories.
Anyway I've had enough bitching for now. I didn't leave on a bad note but decided to get out while I was ahead and before things really got to me. Working in Asia is much more pleasant and relaxing.
So nice to get away from that Rishworth contract too which makes the job a little harder knowing that you are being ripped off. I believe the contract is still exactly the same now as it was then.

Frank Burden
22nd May 2005, 11:54
Flew with them today cattle class from Nadi to Sydney taking advantage of a discounted fare. The names of the pilots appeared to be expatriate but then again who knows. Great flight and cabin crew excellent. Only detracting point was one very odorous individual in the seat in front. Maybe airports needs sniffer detectors as well as xray machines.

The blurb in the in-flight magazine from the CEO spoke about Air Pacific meeting the challenges of low cost airlines in the region by providing improved service. Seems to me that the airline is growing, building on the increased popularity of Fiji as a destination (for a number of reasons that East West Loco could expand upon) and is trying its darndest to stay in front. There are problems with any airline but I believe this one deserves a chance.

And bula to you too!! Vinaka.

23rd May 2005, 06:19

If you`re such a great pilot then why arent you working for your national airline like Qantas...I mean why are you contracting? Air Pacific has its`faults but then again which airline doesnt. I mean there are heaps of jobs out there..go fly for Emirates and live in Dubai, go fly for china airlines and live in Taipei, or Oman air and live in Muscat. Go fly for Dragon air or Cathay or singapore.The point is Fiji if no one has told you yet, is a THIRD WORLD country and the fact that they even have a National Airline is a credit to all who believe in the country and Air Pacific. Sure we have our share of `average performing pilots` but then we have some of the best in the world too...In life there is good and bad...the trick is to try and endure the bad when you are knee deep in it and look forward to the good in any form. Expatriates are blocking progression in the Airline, and thats the harsh reality, but a lot of them are great guys and impart a certain level of professionalism and skill to the job where everyone benefits..but they are not to blame for the stagnant progression. Air Pacific is a business and is therefore run as one where cost effective performance is the key to remaining viable in a market that is in such a constant state of flux. The fact that Air Pacific has endured 3 Coups, the Sars outbreak, September 11, cyclones, competition from Virgin, freedom and a whole host of others, including the rising fuel price problems is a reflection on its management and staff..pilots included. Compare them to a number of prominant airlines that have folded over the last couple of years and you will see a major difference that I can sum up in one word...Profitability! AirPacific has remained profitable for a number of years now...so hows that for a S*** airline.


24th May 2005, 07:43
Dear 35North

I appreciate your reply.
Unfortunately I had age against me to score a position with Qantas but decided to venture out in the world to further my flying career and to see if the grass is really greener.
When an opportunity to fly in the Pacific came up I was so delighted. To join an Airline like Air Pacific was so exciting with a fantastic route structure one could only wish for. The way the world was at that particular time, people were flocking to the Pacific so it was only natural that Air Pacific carried high loads and made big profits. It wouldn't take a rocket scientist to make it work. I really hope the profits and load factors are maintained in this more competitive and demanding aviation environment.
I know Fiji is a third world country and lucky enough to have a great airline but I was so disappointed at the attitude of the local pilots against contract pilots, the lack of discipline and respect. It just wasn't a professional working environment with all the back stabbing and childish reports local pilots were placing in the newspaper. Even when you first joined the airline with classroom assignments. you would think that a senior management pilot like the Chief Pilot or his deputy would spend a couple of minutes with the new pilot's making introductions and welcoming you to the airline like other airlines do, but no, not Air Pacific.


24th May 2005, 07:52
Nothing much changes in AirPac. I left there in 1973 because we were told that localisation meant we were no longer needed.

24th May 2005, 21:05

Maybe its a profitable company and sure like any other company its been through alot but no matter what industry your in or what the situation is no one should have to put up with that sort of abuse. What a sad sad situation.

28th May 2005, 22:00
I spent a year at AirPac and found them to be a not bad bunch of people.
Racial undertones, yes, but not affecting the contractors. Its certainnly there between native Fijians and Indians though.

Maintenance standarsd were good and remain so according to the couple of guys I keep in touch with.

I observed the CRM was good and the management committed to it.
As for suffering abuse as a contract pilot I never saw anything like that and wouldn't have tolerated it anyway.

I hear they'v ebeen through a difficult time with more than a dozen piltos leaving for what they see as a lot mo re money in the middle east, (mostly FOs)so a lot more contractors coming in. They no doubt see that as a threat to their promotion as any group would.

I hear they've pretty well accepted that the 737 will be crewed mostly by contractors for quite qa while though because they just don't have enough guys to put up.

Liek most airlines they hadtheir orgainizational difficulties, but that's a small fault and not unknown in airlines, even much bigger ones.

You don;t go to AP for the money but lifestyle and what aq great lifestyle is was. commuting back home a couple of times a month in J class with a chardy. What a lot of people don't take into account is that money is not everything to everybody.

My memories of Fiji are mostly pleasant. Ed's bar on a Saturday night tripping the light fantastic (dancing for those less eloquent)with a local brown babe, the beach down at Denarau island, sailing, scuba diving, competent FOs, realistic sim sessions, and not too bad flying, some good routes.

I reckon 35north is on the button. AP was aq good place to be.

1st Jun 2005, 15:04
Air Pacific set is set to announce another pfofitable year. Reports State that the profit for 04/05 is going to meet forcasted levels..There's even a hint of profit sharing.

2nd Jun 2005, 10:54
Congratulations on another profitable year.
I hear from contacts and believe when Air Pacific does make a profit, all the staff EXCEPT the contract pilots get a percentage of this profit. Makes one wonder if the Rishworth crooks pick up the bonus and keep it without passing it on.
With all the fiasco thats happening in places like Bali at the moment, more tourist are likely to head off to the Pacific Islands, therefore Air Pacific can only go forward.
Fiji is a wonderful place for a holiday, believe me and I would recommend it to anyone but my gripe is living and working there off and on for short periods of time and putting up with the back stabbing, lack of respect and discipline from about 95% of the local pilots which makes Air Pacific's working environment very hard and most disappointing otherwise the sun, sand, beaches, restaurants and night clubs are fantastic.
Once again congratulations.

Kapt. Ive
2nd Jun 2005, 13:10
Good to see my countrymen flying the flag of despicability as usual.

18th Jun 2005, 05:52
I believe your frustrations would be more to Risthworth then the "natives" as you so call them, but by addressing the locals as "natives" you've already set the mood, categorising them.
I'm one of the few that left AP for the desert and after several years with AP feel I can comment.
The locals never had anything against the expats who came in and realized that they were here to fill in the gap, but some of them came in and immediately wanted to change things, procedures, etc.
Alot also just used to hang around with themselves at the Tanoa bar never mixing with the locals, obviously you must all brief each other when you first join around the bar, saying this and that.
My statement is that if you guys mixed there wouldn't be that much of a problem, but you come in immediately wisked away by expats for the "brief" that all locals are enemies and all locals are anti expat.
Most aren't you just never got to know them.
As for standards , after leaving AP and working here in the sand pit I can defitnitely vouch for AP standards and they are very high.
Anyways this is becoming a novel.
Safe flying where ever you are and who ever you're flying with, expat or local. :ok: