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View Full Version : standard email address at qantas

air med
8th Apr 2005, 07:46
Trying to catch up with some friends in qantas, do they use the standard email address, EG [email protected] or is there another way of sending the email

The Strez
8th Apr 2005, 15:47
Hey you finally had enough of Meeka?? :ok:

8th Apr 2005, 20:44
Only some have such email addresses. For most of us it's a combination of initials, other letters and numbers which will make you trying to find John Smith as [email protected] nearly impossible!! Actually, you'll probably find a John Smith though it's unlikely to be the one you wanted!!;)

air med
9th Apr 2005, 00:44
Hello Strez
Nah Meeka is all right, clear skies, stars out of a night and the summer breeze blowing over the plains, what else could you ask for.Well Strez thats whats happens when you down a S$$$ load of bundy and you cant get up.

Direct, thanks for the imput I will give it a go and see if I get an answer.

MIss Behaviour
10th Apr 2005, 23:33
It could also be [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected]

Each employee has a unique 5 digit number (this is different from the staff number) to identify them which is their initial followed by the first two letters of their last name then two numbers. Using Joe Bloggs as an example it could be JBL77 so you could email anyone in QF this way eg [email protected].

air med
11th Apr 2005, 04:23
Thanks for that.
I tried the first one and it return as a unknown, I will try the next 2 i dont give the name of the pilot I am looking for over this topic

11th Apr 2005, 04:58
Could also try the switchboard and ask them to put you through. Although the pilot won't have a number they should put you through to scheduling who may, if you ask really nicely, be able to put a note in the said pilot's mailbox asking them to contact you. 02 9691 3636 then dial 9 when the automated woman picks up to get the switch.

air med
11th Apr 2005, 11:33
thanks direct
Will try that.

14th Apr 2005, 22:56
air med, whilst I think all QF pilots have emails allocated to us, very few actually use them due to the crappy system that backs it up. If you want to find the person, you're better off biting the bullet and letting one of us QF drivers know and we can either put a note in the persons mail slot or otherwise try and source some contact details and let the person know you're looking.

Good luck.

air med
15th Apr 2005, 02:45
Thanks Keg
I have done what you said and spoke to a captain I know there.
He is going to follow it up