View Full Version : Ive had enough!

4th Apr 2005, 15:58
Ok, so i dont really know why I am writing this, i guess i just want to get my thoughts onto paper (so to speak), but any advice or comments would be appreciated!

Well I graduated from Manchester Uni last May with a 2.i in Geography, me stupidly thinking id walk into a job, being a graduate and that, how wrong was I!?... well the dream of being a pilot has been with me forever it seems, so last year, around july I had an initial interview at HSBC regarding getting a professional studies loan to fund the career pilot program at NAC. However on that occasion my sense took the better of me and I decided I must surely be mad to try and borrow some 30k. Ever since then i must have filled in 200 applications for jobs, and gone to loads of interviews only to be told I dont have enough experience blah blah blah come back to us in a few years blah blah. Well since then I have been temping and doing preety borring work for an agency, typing in numbers and dealing with peoples benefits claims, something which quite honestly depressed me!

So it is today that again my sense has taken hold of me again, but this time its steered me towards the HSBC. I have my initial appointment on monday to discuss amounts etc and I am soon going to book my Class 1. I honestly fill, having been finished uni nearly a year in May, I have wasted a year of my life to nothing, all i have done is crappy temping work and sat in interviews for jobs that I dont really want in the first place! It may be stupid of me and others like me to even consider borrowing tens of thousands of pounds, but less be honest here, what else is there ? if this is our passion, why bother sitting in an office thinking what if ?. I am not going into this (If i get the loan!) thinking I am going to come out of the course with a job on a shinny Boeing, but i guess everyone has to start somewhere, and this is how I have decided to...

If youve read this far, then thanks, im sorry if i bored you! any comments would be appreciated as would criticism...

All the best!


Vee One...Rotate
4th Apr 2005, 16:58
Good luck mate :ok:

You might find this this (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=169385) recent thread interesting. It covers quite a few subjects of interest to the wannabe pilot.


8th Apr 2005, 10:31
TicTac you are almost in exactly the same position i was after leaving uni. Always wanted to be a pilot, always put off by the cost, felt i should go to uni, no sponsoships about. Left uni with an honours degree with a science background and the jobs i was offered started about 7500 rising to maybe 10000 after 6 months, most of these jobs demanded a degree!, how can the british economy be great when qualified people get less than office juniors? so i knocked about for the best part of 2 years with bar jobs and temping jobs, always believing that the big job was out there for me to fund my training, for inexperienced guys it ain't. Bite the bullet take the loan and hopefully with no more tragedies in a couple of years there will be jobs for everyone. Having almost finished my atpl's would i say that my training so far was fun, well the ppl was, but in the whole you don't do much whilst doing your atpl's but study. Do i regret going down this path?
Do i get disillusioned when people i have met along the way whilst training, who have all the ratings and over a 1000 hours, and have done for a while still don't have jobs?
Of course.
If i could go back to the day when i decided to start my professional flying training and change my mind would i?
If you are passionate enough about flying as a career then its a long hard road but you'll get through, you'll feel violated in everyway and whilst your friends are driving about in nice new cars and going away on holidays twice a year you'll be stuck in the library studying eating a can of beans for dinner. Its a risk but a calculated one

Whatever the outcome