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8th Feb 2005, 21:47
Gday all,
Anyone know if Civilian Cargo companies carry a Loadmaster with them on board the aircraft, or is it just military?
Where do Military Loadies go after their time in service?


8th Feb 2005, 22:47
Ive see them carried on civilian Antonov 124's so would have thought they may be carried on other types such as civilian C130's also.

9th Feb 2005, 10:39
On board Loadies used on most aircraft.

Mostly depends on the airline - the more adhoc ops - the more onboard loadies used . For sked cargo airlines, most have station loadies at major hubs.

All of the Russian aircraft have loadmasters on board. An-12 has 1 loadmaster and 4-5 assistants that dbl as ground engineers.

Our B747's have station loadies, but when we do complicated charters we ensure that we have a loadmaster on board travelling with the cargo.

9th Feb 2005, 15:58
Saudia, Islandsflug and Evergreen have their loadmasters on board

10th Feb 2005, 05:18
or anyone else for that matter...
Do you know if most these are ex military?
What can a loady at one of these companies be expected to get paid? Any idea?

Cheers all!


10th Feb 2005, 16:17
What do you say to a retired loady?

Big mac and fries please.;)

10th Feb 2005, 16:19

I knew a few guys that went there, and they did not come from the military.

Suggest you (or the mods) redirect your question to the freight dogs forum


11th Feb 2005, 08:56
Civilian Loadies come from a variety of backgrounds, many of them ex-military.

As said earlier, it depends on the Carriers involved. Most scheduled services do not carry flying Loadmasters on board, but will put one on board a charter flight.

They are currently seen on
ad nauseam!

A Loadmaster is not just for Christmas, but is for life!

May the Matatu be with you.

Matatu Man:cool: (ex Loadie, but still one for life!)

Shuperstar Loadie
25th Feb 2005, 20:17
Channex have loadies on A300 and the odd few of us fly on 737 QC's and our 737 freighter on charters.

Only one loadie is ex military and he was a tank commander not an ex crab loadie!. All the others come from a variety of civilian backgrounds.


11th Mar 2005, 12:36
I heard one of them was a bit of a tanker, know any karate moves.

I did see the tanker in Stansted the other week, large as life, he is my hero. You must teach me some moves!!!

Best Rgds, c u next week at Headquarters

Shuperstar Loadie
12th Mar 2005, 14:17
Kruger me old china!

I know that the tanker has his tatoo's spelt correctly!!!

cu soon buddy


Captain Airclues
12th Mar 2005, 14:55

Global Supply Systems, Stansted, carry loadmasters on the 747-400F on some of the routes where there are no station loadmasters. However they are employed by Wickes Air Services Limited, and not by GSS.


Buster Hyman
14th Mar 2005, 06:31
I think you'll find that Loadmasters on Commercial jets do a different job to military types. I could be wrong (I was once you know), but I think the military role is a more "tie down" type of job, whereas the big jets are more palletised.
I once went for the Loadmaster job for the RAAF when AN handled them at MEL, but missed out. Very different to the loading for MD-!!'s & 747's!

31st Mar 2005, 20:44
Hi all,

Dors anyone know if any companies are recruiting for loadmasters?? I know this is a very rare position but it is something I really want to do.

I did here that Air Atlanta are looking for loadmasters out of DXB?? Anyone heard this??

Thanks everyone


1st Apr 2005, 14:06
tried this lot?

white wings europe (http://www.whitewingseurope.be/wwe/uk/jobs_boag.asp)

Good luck

Captain Airclues
1st Apr 2005, 15:12

Have you tried doing a search under 'Loadmasters' on this forum?


Cee of Gee
1st Apr 2005, 18:37
are you after UK based work or 'anywhere'?

1st Apr 2005, 20:52
atlantic 747

I wouldn't get on an air atlanta B747 out of the UAE if I were you....!!!!

3rd Apr 2005, 09:12
Cee of Gee..

if you have info on LM vacancies..be it UK based or anywhere..please PM me.

The AAI position in DXB pays as a 'local' hire. Not very attractive I would think.


3rd Apr 2005, 22:04
Hi Cee of Gee

Im happy to be UK based or based abroad. This is a position i'm willing to move abroad for, no problem at all.

4th Apr 2005, 16:49
I have some contact e-mail addressees for AAI. Send me a PM and I’ll forward you the contact.

A lot of the AAI loadmasters fly all round the world.

2nd May 2005, 18:19
I've been booted out of the side door of a C130 enough times to know that it is time to hang up the parachute and become something else.

So can anyone recommend any other courses that help to pick up a loadmaster position?


10th May 2005, 16:02
So can anyone recommend any places to do a course?