View Full Version : ATC-Agitated Traffic Cop

25th Mar 2005, 08:50
Now lets see just how far this one goes.....

"An Australian motorist accused of speeding claims a speed camera mistakenly detected a low-flying aircraft. Andrew John Barlow was recorded travelling at 145km/h on the Nepean Highway outside a winery south of Melbourne on February 22. On the same day, pilot Andrew Lott was at the winery operating joy flights from the winery's airstrip in his Cessna 182. The plane's take off speed is understood to be about 150km/h. Mr Barlow is expected to fight the speeding charge at a court hearing scheduled for May. "


B Sousa
25th Mar 2005, 14:58
Hey, if it works its not a bad idea. Lets hear if it flys..........My bet is on the judge laughing before he fines the guy.

29th Mar 2005, 16:33
Heard about this?
....behind some bush on a quiet country road, two traffic cops with mobile speed radar-guns got a surprise when all of a sudden they got a reading of over 500kph. Both exchanged looks of surprise followed by brown, wet pants when an F16 from the nearby airbase thundered right over their heads.
Scared the daylights out of them that they decided to see the base commandant the following day to lodge a serious complaint against this sort of prank.
'you were so lucky the cadet pilot was a rookie and an idiot at that. He was on a tactical training manouvre when he noticed that a hostile radar was locked on him. He decided to investigate instead of going by the books.....' The base commandant said.:\ :oh: