View Full Version : Doomsday Students

24th Mar 2005, 09:05
:) Forced from one topic to another, as I am.
I had a student once, a Bishop at FAGC. He was divine in his red bib and dog collar. His pre flight checks would have made a cursory glance at The Sistene appear dedicated.
What really did rather upset me was his habit, as we spun, which he adored, of humming, 'Nearer my God to Thee.'
Actually, that really does upset students. So I learnt from the cloth.;)

Captain Pheremone
24th Mar 2005, 09:15
Sort of got it...ummm....ok thanks.

was he trying the "get closer to God thing"??

24th Mar 2005, 09:27
;) Perhaps he should have washed a spear or two. Pip, What !:p

26th Mar 2005, 22:12
Hello Dear Jet Brothers

I feel the need to clear the ear wax. Being a dark boys has its pleasures as the Instructors assume we can't fly. I look forward to every demonstration of their stupid skill (i.e. trying to scare the &*^% out of us), wait until I shut down the engines for real the next time the fool says "Simulated Engine Failure". Then we will see who sweats.

B Sousa
26th Mar 2005, 23:24
Love to follow Grommet. Either a troll looking for a rise or someone who has no clue.
Black green purple has no bearing on flying. Some of the best Pilots in the U.S. happen to be.......ahhh......Oh my....Black. Can you believe that.
I think the point being made on the failing student issue is that some will fail. Although you might not believe this some white students have no business in the air either. Hope that didint offend anyone..........
Problem being with "We are taking over" is that "some will fail "seems unacceptable. Specially if the instructor is......Oh my gosh, a Whitey...........
To alleviate the problem, you might as well go back to some form of Apartheid and make all Pilots and Instructors Black, that would take care of that excuse.......
Hey the CAA is mostly Black Empowerment and you dont see folks complaining about them on this forum, Do You??
Ha Ha
Come on Knowledge, help me out here.

27th Mar 2005, 01:30
:p Many a year ago, in London, I had a non reflective girl friend. I adored her. Cocaine and champagne morning noon and night.
Women can't fly aeroplanes. It's the navigation that gets them down. Proven medical fact.
I expect that will have taken some heat off the old marshmellow.
Grommet is correct. There are far too many idiots out there who think that the idea of teaching is to scare. I used to carry a Colt .45 in my flight bag. No arguement. We never went inverted in the old spin. Hate them myself. Bad for the old digestive juices.:p Happy Easter Bunnies.