View Full Version : NO to MH Pilots In EY

24th Mar 2005, 06:18
Few of MH pilots who went up to Cameland/EY were told that their services were not required yet and the number to be called up can remain in the 'waiting list".... not until EY could find themselves some "other" B777 drivers from elsewhere.... Number of Malaysians have probably exceeded their quota! They failed to realize that NOT MANY "OTHER" airlines would have qualified 77 drivers and further more, why should these people switch to EY when they're happy where they're at now in SQ, CX or even EK.... Simply to protect their personal interests I suppose... Qatar and Emirates are recruiting pilots like nobody's business and all I can say is that EY will be losing ALL THE GOOD MEN....!:E

25th Mar 2005, 16:07
Geo man, . . . I heard a different story and it goes like this (MAS):-

"The Fleet Man promissed a 30% rise on basic and 70% on productivity, so all the MAS 777 blokes held back on their applications hoping to get the promissed pay rise, . . . . but alas . . . . 25% and 50% most probable approval??? so maybe the EY guys are pissed off with the hold-back???"

"THIS IS A RUMOUR NETWORK, . . . don't swallow everything, just taste it!!!"

Drive_On braders, . . . . and be safe, . . . use a condom, . . . he hee hee