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View Full Version : Time to re-sits

Captain Ratpup
23rd Mar 2005, 14:09
Quick question:

If you fail one of the ATPL exams, do you have to wait a particular length of time before taking the resit or can you just book on for the following month's exam? The only potential barrier seems to be the short period between receiving results and booking the next exam.

Your thoughts are appreciated.


23rd Mar 2005, 14:18
If you failed the February exam them the next possible sitting will have to be in April. It's always the second month after the fail. A September fail would mean a resit in November...

The reason being is that you need to give a period of notice to the CAA that lies before the time you receive your actual results. Its a bummer I know!


23rd Mar 2005, 14:36
Not quite correct I am afraid. I failed a couple of exams and stupidly raced into an immediate resit two weeks after the results......which I consequently failed again. Next time I waited until after Mod 2 to resit the failed Mod 1s and have just recieved the results today....all passed. Therefore even though it is possible to resit straight away it is perhaps not the most sensible solution.

23rd Mar 2005, 15:22
I was informed, (from an integrated school), and had to go through the 'extra' month wait due to the deadline excuse.

But passed the remaining 2 straight away.........So if what you say is correct about immediate resubmission, then I would also recommend waiting the extra month. Obviously an excuse with reason !


23rd Mar 2005, 16:39
Some people come out of the exam feeling it didn't go to well so book it then. If they pass they don't go, if they fail then they do. The only reason is the dealine to book, there is no rule stating you cant.
Not sure if you get a refund, wouldn't imagibe you would.

23rd Mar 2005, 16:49
Obviously this is my experience and it was with Bristol (distance learning) but against better advice I insisted on resitting sooner rather than later, my thinking being that I could turn my 74% into a pass and being all keyed up and well revised I would surely pass second time....wrong!!! There simply wasn't enough time to get ready and when I finally did resit again I went to the exam having re-read the entire syllabus and actually understanding the subject rather than overly relying on feedback to make up for the shortcomings in particular areas. I believe schools know best and if they say 2 months it's worth listenening to, however the CAA will allow you to resit straight away.........if you get the application in in time.