View Full Version : Pilot conditions in Ryanair

23rd Mar 2005, 08:53
I would like to know the general conditions of Ryanair pilots (basic salary, block hours, diets, sectors, etc...)

23rd Mar 2005, 10:20
Diets are very good at Ryanair: no food, no drinks, no water! :p

Just use the search engine to get a good answer. This has been asked many times before..

23rd Mar 2005, 13:36
Why just the pilots ???

23rd Mar 2005, 13:57
Because this is a Pilot website maybe?

23rd Mar 2005, 18:39
Read on, it's for anyone in aviation actually. Maybe you should find out about ALL front line employees at Ryanair, that way you will get a better understanding of how they (RYR) operate ;)

The African Dude
23rd Mar 2005, 19:02
dmalmu asked a valid question specifically about pilots because that was what he was interested in. If you asked me the time VIKING would you expect me to troll on about why you should have asked me the date too?

23rd Mar 2005, 22:35
dmalmu, it is impossible to answer your question because Ryanair have different conditions and pay for different categories of pilot employee, and even different pay for the same category.

As somebody above has said, the information you need can be found by using the search engine on this site and reading all of the different Ryanair threads. They will tell you how unclear conditions and pay are in Ryanair.

24th Mar 2005, 05:59
The African Dude and I answered with a valid reply. All this chap had to do before posting his question, was to do a search. Lets face it, there are plenty of threads running concerning RYR T&C's. Anyway, what's the date today ?? :ok:

BBT sums things up anyway with his reply. There are no such thing as general conditions at RYR. It changes with each individual.

The African Dude
24th Mar 2005, 08:47
Yep I agree with you that he should have used the search engine, Viking. However, I don't agree that asking a question about the validity of the original posters area of interest is a valid reply, sorry mate! I appreciate that you were making a valid point though regarding lack of generalism on T&C at FR.