View Full Version : In need of advise!

15th Mar 2005, 20:35
Good evening everybody!!

My name is Adam and I am currently 17 years of age studying at AS Level in Leicestershire. The subjects I decided to continue with include maths, chemistry, biology and geography.

I have been most interested in becomming a commercial pilot for my future career, and am deturmined to do my upmost to forfill this ambition. However, I do not wish to join the RAF and train through the RAf; as my only interest is to fly commercially. Therefore I realise that I am faced with a problem, as I am sure many of you guys are.

Basically, after much research I can acknowledge that sponsership is sparse these days and it is a very competitve process to become successfull, however I strongly wish to do as much as I can to work my way into work hopefully with an airline company.

I am just wondering if any of you guys couldhelp guide me as to what I should do or be doing at this moment in time to progress any further. I have written several letters to airline companies and recieved a letter not long ago about an airline company offering sponsership based at Coventry Airport. In this letter they basically said that they required a minimum of 2 A-levels; a fully valid UK driving license and a fully valid PPL with so many flying hours

I am currently close to passing my driving test, but have not had any PPL flying lessons as of yet. Would you recommend me getting a PPL as soon as I have past my driving licence?

I'm sure that you have a rough idea of my background and where I want to go, so I would be very gratefull if any of you could offer any advise as to which step(s) I should take next. Can any of you relate to the situation I am in at all? I would be very interested in hearing any feedback from anyone, especially from pilots who have becopme successfull airline pilots without being trained through the RAF.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you.
