View Full Version : AeroContractors/Shreiner/CHC Africa

14th Mar 2005, 09:08
Does anyone know what's happening with AeroContractors and Shreiner now that CHC Africa has bought them out? Ie. are they still operating under their respective names? What's the management structure look like? Anyone care to rate what they're like to work for?

Nigerian Expat Outlaw
14th Mar 2005, 10:27
They are stealthily moving into Nigeria under ACN. I hear the plan is to undercut all the Bristow/OLOG contracts and take over Nigeria, then raise the prices a couple of years down the line when the competition has gone. Sounds like a plan !!

Lots of uncertainty in the fixed wing dept though, and the rumour is they are going to start paying in US $. Not good for a non US citizen..........



14th Mar 2005, 13:43
It is business as usual. CHC top management were in Nigeria last year to formally assume their shareholding as result of the Schreiner take over by CHC.

Management structure: Hasn't changed, check their website www.acn.aero for details. Capt. Neven is still in control, and he is more than qualified.

14th Mar 2005, 22:21
Thanks for the info. Things seem to be in a state of flux with CHC in Africa at the moment.

15th Mar 2005, 06:54
I heard a rather interesting, first-hand account from a helo pilot of travelling from Oz to the Netherlands for a job interview. When they got down to brass tacks the numbers on the contract were the same as what he had seen back home but the prefix had changed from 'Euro' to 'U.S. Dollar'. The explanation for this was that the take-over by CHC from Schreiner had caused a change in the currency used for remuneration. Doh!

That's just the story as I heard it, of course.

As NEO says, it's shaping up to be a rather interesting fight between CHC and OLOG. We little guys caught in the middle might not have much fun out of this, of course.

19th Mar 2005, 02:56
Chuks....you may want to change yer moniker to Clucks....it will be chickenfeed we will be working for this keeps up.:(

20th Mar 2005, 04:40

Check your PM's.....