View Full Version : Citation VI (C650) - Crew requirements

Chilli Monster
7th Mar 2005, 20:12
Probably a daft question, but:

Is there a single pilot waiver on the above aircraft (like the 500/550/560 series) or is it purely certificated for two crew operations?


7th Mar 2005, 22:07
No, it's strictly two crew. Even with two of you it can be quite a handful in some of the degraded systems scenarios - the only real similarity with the 500 series is the name "Citation" painted on the side. On the other hand when all is working it is one of the nicest handling aircraft in the sky.:)

8th Mar 2005, 16:58
Different ship.....nuffin like a 1 or 2.......


9th Mar 2005, 18:52
i'm flying this wonderfull Citation since one year, easy and fast, but absolutely different from the 500 series.
You will enjoy it.