View Full Version : Transmile Rip-Off Scheme! Caution

7th Mar 2005, 18:17
Dear Fellow Pilots.

Be aware of Transmile practices.They hore you as a pilot and upon your arrival in Kuala Lumpur they come with a RM 26000 bill for you to [ay as a training bound for already typed rated pilots.It doesnt matter if you have the rating they will charge you for line training. See the emails sent by HR Manager to my attention when I was already doing the type rating differences training from the 300 to the B 737 -200 to work there as a co-pilot
Dear Eddie
Please be informed that we have received clearance from DCA for your security vetting.Therefore, I would like to know whether you are still keen to join our Airline as we have opening in the month of May 2005. Please reply my mail latest by 25th February 2005 to indicate your interest before we proceed further. I have also attached the process flow for your further action.

Please resubmit your documents as mentioned in the flow chart and resume. From now onwards, I will be the liaison person for your application.

Karen Yew-Human Resource Manager
Dear Karen Yew
I have just arrived in the United States (Chicago) as of today for the B-737 Reccurency Training according to your last employment offer (letter issued by you) I have scheduled the training to begin within the next few days. Doing so under the employment proposal, I have already made payments for the course with the intention to join TAIR. Considering the opening for May , I was wondering if a sooner opening could take place, due the fact that I have been informed by Cheryl that a late March or early April employment would tale place upon completing the training. So here I am already in the USA, taking the appropriate measures to exclusively to join TAIR. Regarding your requesting, Yes I do accept your offer , please to send me the wages details.

Eddie De Marco
Dear Eddie

I trust that you are now undergoing the 737-200 type rating course and once you have completed please forward to me the certificate. We are targeting five B737-200 co-pilots to start employment with Transmile by May 2005. Please make your own travel arrangement to arrive at our office on 2nd May 2005.

Please be informed that you will receive the following package:

a) Basic : RM2400
b) Type : RM1600
c) Car allowance : RM300
d) Flight Allowance: RM40 per hour (min 40 hours) * during line training the amount will be RM15 per hour
e) Annual Leave : 32 days
f) Sick Leave : 14 days
g) Perdiem : varies from location

h) Meal Allowance : Eligible

You are also be insured for Loss Of License & Hosptialisation & Surgical insurance

In view of your low flying hours and the rating is only sim hours with no actual flying on 737-200, you will have to undergo line endorsement and line training with our Company. The calculated cost is RM26,900 therefore, you have to put up RM10,760 as security fee with our Company. The said amount will be refunded to you upon expiry of your bond of two years.

With the above terms, I would like to know whether it is acceptable to you? As I am giving you the first priority in our recruitment list therefore, I request for your commitment.

Karen Yew
Dear Eddie
I have heard your grievance and I emphasized your situation. Having said that, I cannot bend the policy for you alone and upset the whole batch of candidates coming in.The best I can do is to reduce your security fee to RM8,400 since you have higher flying hours (initial was RM10,760) and we are hoping your line training will be shorter. The Company is still taking the risk as we won’t know your performance until we fly with you. You have to find all means to come out with this amount.
The training bond of 2 years will still remain.This shall be our final offer. Think over it and let me know. Again I apologize for putting you in such situation.
Karen Yew
In case of any firthey questions email -me...I will be more than glad to tell you the details

United States . March 2, 2005

To: Captain Krishna

Subject: Edison LR De Marco

C/c: Human Resources – Miss Karen

As an ethical and professional individual, I would like to inform Transmile Air Services that I have no longer intentions or meanings to agree with the practices and hiring policies exercised by this company toward myself.

I have invested about US$10.000, 00 in other to meet the requirements and Transmile’s policies. Unfortunately such practice shows that Transmile is not a serious company or an Airline that deserves such credit by professionals like me. How can the Operations and Human Resources Managers of a * so called airline of excellence,* practice such dishonest and disrespectful policies to people that are willing to work and make their living honestly with honor and pride.

Miss Cheryl Song and Captain Krishna are people of unworthy words and credibility, How can someone, not only tell, but issue an employment letter to a family man under the promise of employment conditioned to the B-737-200 Type Rating only, and even worse, during the entire process I have keep this company and themselves informed of steps and the costs and expenses of such. I also have made clear that I would quit my employment in order to join Transmile. Making things worse, promising false wages and issuing a senseless Local Training Bound, expecting me to pay for additional training in Malaysia in order to serve as an employee. What king of policy is that? The International Airline Pilot Hiring Rip-Off Scheme? Recruiting worldwide, disrupting families’, explore hard working people that need to work to support their loved ones, by surprising them upon arrival in Malaysia.

Your apologies won’t pay or bring it back what I have given up and the investment made see below.

Airline Tickets US$ 2500,00 ( Non-refundable)
B 737-200 Type Rating US$ 7250.00 ( Non –refundable – Obsolete aircraft)
Hotel Expenses US$900.00 ( Non-refundable)
Meals Expenses US$450.00 ( Non-refundable)
Transport Fees US$250.00 ( Non –refundable)

Be sure that I will make it public within the International Aviation Media and Aviation related websites.

Best regards,

Edison LR De Marco

Karen Yew Pooi Sze <[email protected]> wrote: Dear Eddie

I have heard your grievance and I emphasized your situation. Having said that, I cannot bend the policy for you alone and upset the whole batch of candidates coming in.

The best I can do is to reduce your security fee to RM8,400 since you have higher flying hours (initial was RM10,760) and we are hoping your line training will be shorter. The Company is still taking the risk as we won’t know your performance until we fly with you. You have to find all means to come out with this amount.

The training bond of 2 years will still remain.

This shall be our final offer. Think over it and let me know.

Again I apologize for putting you in such situation.

Karen Yew

7th Mar 2005, 22:46
Sorry to hear of your expenses and time wasted. A rough time for anyone, especially with a family.


You choose to buy your own type rating, you take your chances. It becomes a business arrangement at that point, and, like starting a small business, there are risks.

Deal with companies that don't require this nonsense. With a 732 rating you should be okay to get on somewhere else before too long.

Good luck.

Kaptin M
7th Mar 2005, 23:31
You do realise, Eddie, that the salary they are offering is only just a smidgeon over USD1,000 :mad:
Why is the flying allowance only RM15/hour during line training? You will be operating revenue flights....are the pax charged less for their tickets, for the flights YOU are operating?? Not bl:mad:by likely!!!
Are those pre, or post tax?

When I was working in Malaysia (living in K.L.), I was paying RM2,000 per month for a 3 bedroom apartment - that price did not include the utilitiies. Sure, you CAN get cheaper, but they won't have the security, or the facilities you and your family need as foreigners, living in a foreign country.

I "loved these conflicting statements, "In view of your low flying hours.." and later, "since you have higher flying hours" :p
and the "used car salesman speel, "As I am giving you the first priority in our recruitment list" (Translation=You are the ONLY one who has taken the bait!).............."the whole batch of candidates coming in" (Translation=I've got other interested buyers, so hurry up and give us your money!).....................This shall be our final offer. Think over it and let me know. (Translation=If you offered us less, we'll probably accept it!)

Eddie, are you worth only USD1,000 per month?

As medflyer states, your 732 rating should get you employment with a DECENT airline - and a 737 -3/4/500 rating is only a differences course of a couple of days. Oops sorry, I see you are ALREADY rated on those.

Tell TRANSMILE to stick their job until they pay a proper salary!

8th Mar 2005, 01:28

Sorry to hear about your financial loss and yes to some extent it is a case of buyer beware as stated in medflyers post.

But, you are real lucky you didn't join transmile. They are everything you have stated and more. Maintenance is awful and the planes are seriously sick. Mates have told me about pieces of engines being left behind on runways in Macau. They are forever being questioned by ATC about nav & transponder issues. The airfarts there are really useless and couldn't train a monkey to eat a bananna, rather the monkey could probably train them to fly.

Eddie, GO AN APPLY FOR MAS They are so short and are advertising for DHC6/F-50/ B734 Captains & Fo's.

transmile is not an airline it is an accident waiting to happen.



8th Mar 2005, 02:58
U can literally fly in Indonesia for that money (with cheap safe housing, full transport arrangements...)

a) Basic : USD500 - 1200, T-Mile RM2400 (US600?)
b) Type : Incl. in above, T-Mile RM1600 (US$400)
c) Car allowance : Transport arranged, T-Mile RM300
d) Flight Allowance: Same as here... RM40 per hour (min 40 hours) * during line training the amount will be RM15 per hour
e) Annual Leave : 32 days
f) Sick Leave : 14 days
g) Perdiem : varies from location

h) Meal Allowance : US$3 - 5 for flights. T-Mile: Eligible
i) RON allowance: US$5 - 15 depends on location.

Bond: US$1000 - US$2000 for a period of 2 - 3 years (negotiable if U have type rating).

No wonder a lot of the locals here prefer not to go to T-Mile... Even by local standards they seem to be a rip off...


chimbu warrior
9th Mar 2005, 00:49
Eddie I sympathise with you..................these leeches are simply trying to screw you. Putting you on a bond is possibly reasonable, but paying for line training most certainly is not. As K M says, you are operating revenue flights, so should not get any reduced compensation.

Asking for money up front, plus a bond, plus reduced income whilst training, sounds like they want three enormous bites of the cherry.

Good on you for taking a stand, and also for telling others of this situation.

Just for the information of your readers, can you say how much experience you have on the 737? Plus how much turbine and multi-crew? Not trying to embarass you, just get an idea of whether Transmile's assertions about experience have any shred of credibility.

Hope you find something else soon.

9th Mar 2005, 04:26

Wanna thank you all for your words and opinion , it is very important to spread the word in order to save others.

My experience is 5900 hrs total and 2800 hrs on 737-300/400 as F/O in addition to that College degree in Aerospace Science.

Once again thank you all


9th Mar 2005, 05:22
Gday Eddie
Sorry to hear about all the trouble with Trans man. But as Cpt Wooblah said above, MAS and AirAsia are recruiting heavily. You should not have any problem getting onboard with your hours. A lot of Indonesian pilots are coming along with F/O hours only, some already promoted as Cpts in Air Asia, with 6000 hours<, so keep your chin up mate

chimbu warrior
9th Mar 2005, 06:32
Hi Eddie..............wow............no shortage of experience there.

You will hopefully find something much better very soon.

Good luck.

9th Mar 2005, 11:14
Send your applications out man. With your experience, you shouldn't have much problems getting a call-up. Even though they have a surplus now, try AirAsia. Busses are coming in soon.

9th Mar 2005, 18:23

a guy with your type of exprience going for such a low paid company???

thats way odd....

com'on....thats really odd....

this web site has become more about b***thing place


i'm so glad i'm still flying piston a/c...............

happy flying

10th Mar 2005, 04:23
Hey coef.of.Lift whats your problem??? Not everyone is lucky enough to get the perrrrrfect job with a major reputable airline. There's the dark side of the sky as well.

There are many excellent pilots out there working their as.ses off trying make a living working for scumbag operators. Many end up with "The dark side" not by choise but as a result of circumstances. Labour action, 911, companies going out of business etc.

So a little understanding please. Besides laughing at a guy who got f.ucked is just not nice.


Chocks Away
10th Mar 2005, 09:29
Thanks for airing this one Eddie.

I nearly took the bait early last year but things just didn't add up, so I didn't take things any further.

"I thought the grass was greener on the otherside but found it was only green spray paint!"


10th Mar 2005, 16:43
Hey Eddie, I got an offer from these freaks awhile back. I used to live in Malaysia and that is DIRT money. My bills are US based and I couldnt cover anything with that amount. Try MIami Air in Florida. I used to work there and they have been hiring. Could you have gone on as a Capt there as when I spoke to them they said all they needed for capt. was 4000 hours total. Where did u get your 73 time?

11th Mar 2005, 08:21

It is unfortunate that u didn't get the full picture before going through the hassle and spend a fortune.

All airlines in Malaysia pay about the same for FOs (RM 5-7000 inclusive perdiem) and they are never short of low time candidates who are hungry for jet time. In your case, the only advantage I foresee is a short route to Command as both Air Asia and Transmile are expanding their fleets and short of potential commanders. If u care to find out, some expat FOs were made commanders, something which rarely happens in MAS or when an asian joining an Airline out of this region.

Speak to Air Asia, I don't see why u can't get a job with them unless u have a colourful record which they can't stomach.But then again, I believe they need a gurrantor for the bond instead of cash upfront. Job in MAS is contractual and short term and u might not enjoy the perks given to the regular staff.

Have u try China? Various airlines are looking for rated 737NG
crew. Hainan and Shenzen Airlines are among them.

In short, Eddie, it is either bite the bullet and mark time for command in Malaysia or go some where else for better money as a type rated FO. Good luck!

12th Mar 2005, 04:31

Kaptin M
12th Mar 2005, 09:24
On the other hand, 5000-7000R is a lot of money for Malaysia. Not true at all, MJPilot. It might be "a lot" for an unskilled labourer working in parts of Malaysia, but by local pilot standards, it's very, very, very average.
And don't forget, Malays receive a lot of "extra" benefits, eg, EPF, special discounts on property deals - and can speak the local "lingo" - that make each Ringgit stretch that little bit further than a non-bumi can.

I loved Malaysia (and MAS), and would return there in the blink of an eye (if they'd have me), IF they realised that to be part of the progressive world, they NEED to pay progressive world salaries.
Otherwise, they will have taken 3 steps forward, but 2 back.

"Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten."
[I don't know WHO coined that phrase, but it is sooooooooooo true!!]

13th Mar 2005, 01:44
Yo, Kaptin-M, . . . . that's nothing yet, try flying an MD-11 as an F/O with RM5,450.00 basic !!! and Captain with RM15,500.00 when those EVA guys are getting USD9,000/= basic and USD120/= per hour productivity pay!!!

Oh ya, don't forget the JAMES BOND! and ask eddie demarco on the downpayment too !!!

Yeah, we locals can stretch the RM??? that's why the Gov. is printing new RM on plastic i guess, . . . so it won't tear when you stretch it, . . . haa haa hah

14th Mar 2005, 01:59
We all pretty much have the same conception and opinions about what's going on in the Airline Industry.

I have made a big deal out of this Transmile issue,yes I have! But not for the amount that was asked. I made a decision based on their conduct towards a class of people , us, Aviators.

It takes a lot hard work,discipline and passion in the process of becoming an aviator, and us Pilots should not lower our heads and agree to such policies applied by administrators and airline managers that have no clue about , what it takes for us to become pilots,some of us went thru hard times in order to achieve a dream of a career in the sky, some of us starved in order to save money to build flight experience , not all of us had acess to smooth and great aviation education.

So If I had agreed to their policy I would be mistaken , not only on my behalf but on behalf of an International Community. Yes I was envisioning Transmile for my Captain's Transition , however I could not be a or betrade a class.

Airlines are doing this because in some point *We Pilots* have lost our ethics and union* So its time for us to rebuild what was lost , otherwise our profession is heading to a dead end and becoming a commerce.

Once again thank you all for your support.


Eddie Demarco

14th Mar 2005, 18:45
Kaptin M,
I suggest you get your facts a bit more correct old bean.
Incidentally you can get a nice condo in KL for about 1 to 1500 which will be perfectly good for expats. I know cos I'm renting one. You do not have to pay over 2 grand unless you like the Golden triangle. Secondly the pay rates is not far off actually. Y do you think there is an exodus I hear from MAS to better shores.

As For Captain Wooblah's rather deranged ranting and slagging off well Any respect I had for him went down the Tandas with the last load of:mad: You are correct matey about the unfortunate piece at Macao however having been in Engineering myself I can tell you that was a S.H.I. incident. The ATC infringements go ahead and enlighten us please. Nobody is perfect including you.

As for Eddie well I cant comment about his being asked to pay for his line training but Eddie you knew did you not what the pay rates were here in Malaysia. I offered you some advice I believe.
Frankly with your experience why did you elect to come here any how?.


Snot Box
15th Mar 2005, 03:33
Well time to say something here....yes, we are not the best company to work and there are problems to be rectified....why we are still here is not by choice but just by the way how life works sometimes....yeah we know what every other airline is paying but you know, we simply can't just dump everything and go...we got committments and mouths to feed and a whole bunch of other agendas to keep our lives busy...

Despite all the crap that has been said, we really have good-hearted (mostly non-mgmt) people working and pulling things together and getting the job done safely, professionally, and efficiently. Conditions aren't great but we do what we can and deal with it.

Yes, most of us are working hard to get our hours and experience up so we can one day seek greener pastures somewhere else...so please cut us some slack for the time being...after all, we all are doing an honest job and earning a decent pay <in Malaysia>.

So for Wooblah, sorry Captain who?.... that sure is very professional on your part to make such comments. We aren't the airfarts nor are we are the useless monkeys that your ignorant assumptions are based on.... sure you and the others see us as a pile of mice crap but until pigs can fly, we useful bunch will still work hard, act professional while try to seek greener pastures.....

Eddie, sorry to hear about your story but a lot has to with our CYA management style and the despicable chocolate version of "Don Corleone". To summarize about TH, these are the culprits behind all this mess and these cowards should really be hanged. :mad:

Foreign Worker
15th Mar 2005, 04:58
most of us are working hard to get our hours and experience up so we can one day seek greener pastures somewhere else If every pilot used that excuse, we'd all be pulling crappy salaries like Transmile's.
At least Eddie showed he's got principles that he's willing to stand up for.

15th Mar 2005, 07:58
good going S.box!

exactly what i wanted to say!


Snot Box
15th Mar 2005, 08:26
Foreign worker,

I said it and I say it again based on my previous post. The wage is decent provided you keep the money and spend it in Malaysia. Of course if you convert to USD or Sterling Pounds, it is crap...but it goes back to.."let's compare apples to apples".

Do you have any clue what is an average Malaysian's salary? So mr matsaleh worker, why don't you enlighten us on what would you consider, in your most humblest opinion, is a "good" wage then....

So no, it's not an excuse. Malaysia isn't that big of a country in for aviation and choices aren't many. The decent folks in TH also got principles too....Eddie's not the only one.....

15th Mar 2005, 08:28

exactly what i wanted to say!!!!


PPRuNe Towers
15th Mar 2005, 09:38
I'd stop wriggling and digging if I were you SB otherwise some of the grown ups will be rubbing your nose in that offer of apple to apple comparisons.

They might point out that many of the highest contract rates in the world are in the Far East.

They could draw your attention to the fact that Boeing and Airbus don't do third/developing world pricelists or specifications. Customers pay as little as they can but ultimately the world market rate. As it happens that rate is going up, up and away for the aircraft you guys fly. The same customers are your managers paying as little as they can get away with.

Some might be nasty enough to ask you to explain the specialised market economics whereby there is a huge Asian market for flying. Expansion plans are contantly hindered by lack of pilots and shortage of airframes. Meanwhile, experienced local pilots are leaving Malasia for the Middle East. Local training schools can't meet demand, don't have enough instructors and are particularly inefficient. However, wages remain stagnant? Shome Mastake shurely?

There is not a Malaysian rate for fuel, engines and avionics either. In fact the only thing your bosses can play ace MBA, super manager with is wages and local infrastructure costs. You make them feel special each and every day because there's actually bugger all they can do with the costs of running an airline other than leaning on the likes of you.

The crueler of the experienced people might even be unpleasant enough to take the questioning to the next step.

Once you've slummed it to get some narrow body hours will you, or others working with you do exactly the same thing to get widebody hours, or an airbus rating, a switch to another country or even a more respected ATPL?

Ultimately will there ever again be a respectable side of the industry for you to cross over to because of your actions now?

Are you going to change? Nah. Still as long as the collective 'you' know you are going to reap what you sow for a whole career.

I'd suggest folks reread the main post from snot box before replying to this note from me. Anyone with a cursory understanding of English will know from the very first paragraph SB understands every point I've made and is a foot shuffling apologist desperately hoping that there will be something decent left for any of us to go to in the future.


Foreign Worker
15th Mar 2005, 14:08
Thank you PPT, for "expandising" my poorly paraphrased comment.

If you can assimilate a little of some of the other posts, SB, you might begin to understand that you - by your curent actions - are only creating a rod for your own (future) back, by using the rationale you have, for that which you (already) did???!!!!

Like Eddie, we all need to draw a "line in the sand" to protect ourselves ( our futures), from ourselves.

Undercutting established, or perceived, market rates is only going to haft oneself farther down the line, as each pilot tries to "gain enough experience to move to the next rung."

It is up to each and every one of us to "hold the line" - meaning there might be some short - medium term foregoings, for longer term, long term improvements.

15th Mar 2005, 21:36
Have been deleted. Please remember that the language of PPRuNE, (unless in a specific foreign language forum), is ENGLISH! . Thanks, BlueEagle.

20th Mar 2005, 06:12
SB, CoL and KY seems to be working for the same company eh, . . . . . hee hee hee

carefull what you say, might spell out who you are and your management people might catch you, . . . .haa haa haa (':E')

20th Mar 2005, 09:44

They are probably too busy watching "Baywatch". This is turning out to be a real soap opera.

I sympathise with your situation but not all the guys at Transmile are monsters. You just happen to meet the two worst s*%#heads in the company. I have friend's who are in Transmile but not b'cos they love the company but they had to. Due to the fact that there are no valid offers from MAS, Berjaya, Tiger, CX, Valuair, SQ, SILK or Air Asia, they had to join Transmile so that he or she can put food on the table for their family.

My advise, READ THE FINE PRINT and ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS TO THE RIGHT PEOPLE, most company's here will s*&$# you where they can.

Have a jolly time flying

21st Mar 2005, 10:57
Well Snottie & Others At TM,

The point here is that you are responsible for the terms and conditions that you recieve. You are willing to work for lower wages and 4th world conditions. You accept overweight aircraft struggling to climb ex WMSA we have all timed yoür climb schedules from time to time. We all know a few TM employees and the story from within is always the same. Poor maintenance, poor salaries, no writing in the tech log and yes a very very airfart mentality. After all most of you guys come from the rmaf so the culture has just crossed the fence.

You mention that bits fell off at Macau and transponders are in the cockpit just for show. Come on man if it stinks stop holding your nose and telling the world that it smells like roses.

If as you say it is OK then please dont leave stay there and make your boss rich like a good surf.

But the reality of the situation is that all of you are just dying to leave the place for better conditions and pay.

Respect or accolades I dont need any, and as far as I´m concerned I sleep well at night and throughout my career have always tried to do the right thing and help others whenever I could. But regarding most and I say most airfarts not all. They are just a lost cause, back stabbing each other undercutting each other for promotions and positions and trying to bring this culture and mentality into commercial aviation. In the rmaf it is a buddy buddy system and so i is at TM.

Wake up and look at the real world for a change.


22nd Mar 2005, 13:38
Thank You, Capitan Wooblah,

One big question though, . . . will anybody accept their flying hours on those flying JUNK metals??? . . . . . hah hah hah

No punt intended, . . . I had to say that coz there's one guy from TM who always refer to his aircraft type as B727 Dinosaur, . . . . (I heard it it JKT when he dida turn back due to LE Flapsproblems) and I heard that's the guy to talk to about the engine part falling on the runway in Macau, . . . might be wrong but I heard he's had enough and going to leave soon, . . . .

Ah, . . . rumours, rumours, rumours, . . . . so 25% pay rise and 50% productivity increase is what I heard in MAS, . . . . . the Question is when TOADDY BONZAI going to get HACKED??? I already know who wants to take his place, . . . . good luck to MAS maaaan, . . . .

L_D, . . . . that's long distance from all these ****, . . . and happy.

22nd Mar 2005, 23:29

Thank you Captain Wooblah, for oultining that the same mentality and airfartness is happenning at MAS. If not for the mentality of "cadets only club", more pilots would have joined but since the outside world including the locals deserves 2 year contract and bugger benefits, what choices do others have of job security but join Air Asia (AK) and Transmile (TH). By the way, when you timed the climb, were they doing best angle climb or high speed climb.........

Lorry Driver - I think the guy at JKT refered to the aircraft as "JURASSIC", and he was ex-MAS and looking to go back.

I may be a sentimental old fool but I would not criticise the aircraft that I am earning my wages off. You know what they say, treat the lady well, they will do the same.

Have a jolly flight

24th Mar 2005, 08:13
Accepting Overweight Aircraft is Illegal, I doubt anyone would or has risked it that. Basically The 72 is old and underpowered regrettably like the ole 70 hence lower performance. Rather like the ole classic struggling out of LHR really. Whatever Im waffling like this thread know, Regards.:}

25th Mar 2005, 15:47
Well Jolly Old Chap,
"I may be a sentimental old fool but I would not criticise the aircraft that I am earning my wages off. You know what they say, treat the lady well, they will do the same."

Try treating a modern day lady with "okay whatever you say darling - be nice, you know, and she will dry your bank accaount m8, . . . . hee hee hee" In RMAF you can say that coz the Gov owns you, man . . . but in the civilian company if you become a yes man, . . . they will drain your brain & body to gain millions of dollars from you m8 !!#$@%$!#@^$&%^(*@^#$!

Oh ya, it's very bad to indentify people like that, . . . it can get them into trouble you know!!! I don't know this bloke but i'm sure he's got reasons to be displeased with his working conditions. The way you point him out, he could have crossed paths with me in the Mid-East betw. 1995 - 1997, when I was with Qatari, flying the same bird (I was B727 & he B742). Didn't mix much with him but he must be damned good coz the CEO loved him and gave him an office job, even though he was an F/O and later i heard the CEO was going to make him B742 skipper, but the CEO was forced to leave and so this guy also left and taht was the last I heard of him. (mind you, he wasn't an arse licker, . . . I was told he really knew his stuff and left MAS b'coz of ex-wife problems - NOT flying)

Anyway, this thread belongs to Eddie and the topic is Transmile (TH is it?) and operating out of SAAS???

It could reason out like this:-
Since B-727's are out of production and dinosaurs are extinct, they come into the same category and dinosaurs are depicted in "JURASSIC PARK" the movie, SAAS must look like the park in the movie, so this guy being the jovial guy that we used to know (if it is him, of-course) I can roughly guess that he would come up with something like this:- "Transmile is Operating Dinosaurs Out Of Jurassic Park", . . . . that would be my educated guess.

So Eddy, . . . you made a wise decission to stay away from TH, . . . go fly a newer airplane m8, the 734 that you were flying is far better, . . . as for me, I'm enjoying the A-300-600R and hoping to get the A340-500/600 in a few years mate, . . . .

The Qatari Advance B727-200's had JT8D-17R engines, . . . . what engines are you blokes in TH flying? If it is anything less than this, then it is NOT the weight but you better tell your bosses to upgrade the engines b'coz the Advance comes with -17 engines and Super Advance with -17R engines, . . . the slow climb must be due to under-powered engines. We use mode "A" speed and the aircraft shoots with 340/.840/340 clmb/crz/des speeds, if you have -9/-11/-15 engines then your bosses are really taking you for a ride, . . . . (you know CUT COST)

bye bye, . . . and Fly Safely guys . . .

11th Jun 2005, 05:32
That's Malaysia lah....If they can screw you they will!!!

Someone that holds a CPL/IR (frozen atpl) from ANY other country apart from the mighty UK MUST sit CAA 6's (ATPL) CA 2, Air law 1&2, HPL, IR fligth test.... The s*it starts with DCA and the tosser Mr Williams....

Then Transmile will NOW offer you a job if YOU pay for a type rating.... I heard as of last week a few POSSIBLE pilots have turned down offers from Transmile due to this NEW policy of having to buy a type rating....

Malaysia is a brothel....sell yourself and then go fly a REAL airline...

Safari Goat
16th Jun 2005, 06:08
From what I understand there is two pay scales at Transmile?

An Ex-pat and a local pay scale?

Please let us know.

17th Jun 2005, 04:50
Dawlay Mak mak, Chok dee Khup.:ouch:

17th Jun 2005, 20:39
Hey kwaiyai

You are good for a masaleh...haha


ps:Capt Krish is the man!!!!!!!!:yuk: :yuk: :yuk:

17th Jun 2005, 20:47
For 50000RM you can go and fly a MD11
wow nice!

for 6000rm a month nice!

and dont forget Capt James (Bond!)..haha


21st Jun 2005, 10:17
MUST pay for type rating now...

Nice work Transmile :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:

22nd Jun 2005, 07:09
Most of you "experts" are talking through your lobang jubur

longglatif you are full of it, ONLY Transmile Crews are converting to the MD11 at the moment from the B727 - no expats have been invited - besides they would most probably need the rating prior to engagement. They do bond their own pilots, but it's only a paper exercise no MYR changes hands.

TH employees do not pay for their ratings if they are locals.

On average the pay scales for both Capt's and F/O's offered on the MD11 represent a 30% increase over the B727. I could give you the actual figures but then we wouldn't see you make fools of yourselves. Try 3 times your figures Boeing737jock jock then you may be close!

TH B727 Salaries are reasonable by Malaysian standards certainly not as good as say CX but then you have to start somewhere. :ok:

22nd Jun 2005, 15:13
leftfrontside I was not refering to the MD11... :hmm:

I was refering to an expat that was recently offered a B727 job IF he did a type rating at his own expense...of course!!!

Old school at Transmile was to put down a bond ($33000RM) and get it back once completing 3 years service.

leftfrontside have you read any of the posts here? I suggest you start at post number one...:ok:

Safari Goat
23rd Jun 2005, 04:36
Have any of the MD-11s reached the property as yet? are they flying now on line?

23rd Jun 2005, 18:33
MD11's have commenced ops between SBZ and HKG prior to expanded operations to US and India.

Longlatif so your the sort of person that wants a free rating then leave, TH are quite right to demand a bond and some sort of loyalty. You obviously are not in need of a flying position then. :{ :{

24th Jun 2005, 04:06

Just tell it as it is don't try to make **** smell like roses. It is exactly the airfartness you display that makes pilots wages suck in so called 3rd world countries. TM pay good enough for Malaysia or how do I bloody get a job oh, well I'll do it for free till I get the hours ect. That is the exact mind set that makes employers pay pilots peanuts. A.k.a TM.

You have expats flying the MD11 now!!!! What is their pay!!!???

Your engineering for the MD was done by Lufthansa!!! How much did they get paid !!!???

Cut the crap and be honest about the deal man.

Capt Snooze
24th Jun 2005, 06:53
Hey Lefty,

You finally got a bite........ :ok:

Wondered how long it would take. ;)

24th Jun 2005, 08:38
Your engineering for the MD was done by Lufthansa!!! What is their pay!!!???May be that is why wages are low :{

24th Jun 2005, 18:44
Old school at Transmile was to put down a bond ($33000RM) and get it back once completing 3 years service.

Didn't I say this in my last post leftfrontside...

Read carefully my little friend....:ok:

19th Aug 2005, 05:43
Hey all,

New to this forum. Was following this thread and cannot help but wonder.....

Is this Transmile thingy happening to foreigners or it's the same for locals applying as well? Are there any locals that have tried to apply? Care to share the experience?

22nd Aug 2005, 09:07
I believe locals are bonded drgnkid.

24th Aug 2005, 12:08
Thanks for your reply kwaiyai.

25th Aug 2005, 06:19
How many short are they for MD 11?

30th Aug 2005, 05:08
maybe you should give em a Dog and Bone and ask them your self :confused:

30th Aug 2005, 14:46
The problem is not being short of crew.
The problem is not willing to pay the market rate salary.

30th Aug 2005, 19:49
kwaiyai due for command yet at transmile?

1st Sep 2005, 02:54
Kwaiyai, are you with Transmile?

5th Sep 2005, 09:03
I think TA getting plenty enough Skippers from other sources. Me I go for Mukan Lah

5th Sep 2005, 15:20
Once upon a time I was woth Transmile, before I left for greener pastures. Yes they did bon me, for the 727, RM$105,000 (around US$26000) and 5 years. Transmile has it's faults, as does all companies, but i was happy for the job, pay was always on time and I got my hours. Just one a***hols you gotta watch out for, the fleet(s) manager (I won't say his name), but he'll probably retire soon, - if he doesn't kill himself some other way. Good place to get hours if you can't get anything else anywhere else.

5th Sep 2005, 15:44
Hey, Apuonbus,

Does his name start with the letter "V" or "K"??

Have a jolly time flying:} :} ;)

5th Sep 2005, 23:46
As I said, I don't want to mention names, so I will stick to my word, but it begins with a K and ends with an A (for the short form), if you want the longer version it ends with a Y,

I remember one time coming out of HKG with a no go item and he said to me "You have to remember, any decision you make will affect whether I give you your command...." I told him he could keep the command, In the end I left without it.

6th Sep 2005, 03:02
but i was happy for the job, pay was always on time and I got my hours.

Well, all hope's not lost.. At least there is some good in TA..

7th Sep 2005, 00:02
Apuonbus you should join a calming religous mob like the Haree Krishna. Any of these Krishnas in Transmile? It may help ya get over this guy. ;)

"Haree Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Haree Krishna, Haree Haree......"

7th Sep 2005, 01:17
Slash....?you? promoting a religion??? ;)

Eddie! Wow...LTNS bro... Wish you all the best!

7th Sep 2005, 04:28
Agreed with APUONBUS the main thing is the hours going in your logbook. The rest is your choice, Ya da Ya da.
Its up to the powers that be to make it worth while to remain or cause staff to consider other options.