View Full Version : Quickest way to loose weight?

Virgin Atlantic
6th Mar 2005, 19:03
Hiya, do any of you cabin crew have a really good diet wear i can loose around 3 stone which hopefully wont take too long? I would be really grateful for anyone who can help.

Thanks x

6th Mar 2005, 20:00
eat less!!! go for a run everyday....

6th Mar 2005, 20:19
Cut off a leg?! :E :)


6th Mar 2005, 21:26
1.Eat 6 small meals a day
2.No alcohol,soft drinks.
3.No carbs after 17.00
4.At least 8 glasses of water a day
5.Walk at least 30 mins a day up to a speed where you can still walk and talk.ie don't walk so fast that you become out of breath and can't talk.
6.After about 3 weeks incorporate some weights.Metabolism is driven by muscle.The more muscle you have the faster you burn calories.
7.Once a week indulge yourself and eat whatever you want
8.Your diet should include 30% fat(good Fat)55% carbs and the balance in protein.
9.For a week before you commence keep a food diary.Record what and when you eat
IMPORTANT:before you start consult a physician

6th Mar 2005, 22:28
Stop eating so much the only way to lose weight

6th Mar 2005, 23:28
THe only way (well the correct way) to lose weight is to exercise, and eat properly, Captain. Q wrote a good post.
It is not good to lose a lot of weight too soon, starve yourself etc as all the weight will come straight back on when you eat normally again.
Good luck

7th Mar 2005, 01:04
My father was an expert in these matters and would advise that the best exercise for weight loss was to place both hands on the edge of the table and push.

7th Mar 2005, 01:34
1. Drink Green tea everyday- Detoxify your body
2. Eat fruits and vegetable- red meat only once a week
3. Exercise at least 30 minutes everyday
4. Eat oats as breakfast in the morning, lunch-fruits - dinner-chicken salad (no dressings,please)
5. No dinner after 18.00

More importantly, dont starve yourself, eat healthily and dont go on crash diet. Just exercise and eat small portions of foods.

7th Mar 2005, 01:40
I lost over 30 kg last year. Look at http://diet.webhop.org if you want to read what I did in detail (no I'm not selling anything).

1. It's all about energy

2. If energy eaten is greater than energy used, you will gain weight.

3. If you "can't seem to lose weight", you either have a biological problem (extremely unlikely and too easily blamed), or you need to make a realistic effort to find the source of excess energy in your diet. One lady I know was doing everything right except eating lots of cheese because someone told her the calcium and protein was good for her. She was eating 3 times the energy level of the rest of her diet in cheese alone, and she wasn't eating a huge amount of it!

About carbohydrates ... focus on getting ALL your carbs from fruit and vegetables. To lose weight quickly without starving yourself, eat LOTS of vegetables and salads, small LEAN meat portions, and avoid entirely any grain products. It is a common misconception, propagated by the silly "food pyramid" we all grew up with, that you MUST eat grain products. Try it for 3 weeks and I guarantee your clothes will start to feel looser.

Focus on feeling well-fed through vegetables and fruit, don't think you need to fill up on bread. Feeling peckish? Reach for an apple or similar, not the carb-filled rice cakes or Ryvita crackers.

I don't like preaching to people if they don't want to hear it, so you can read more on my web page if you like, which I did when I got sick of so many people asking "how'd you do it?!" :ok:

Another disclaimer: this is what worked for me, your results may be different.

Here's a couple of quotes for you:

"My eating decisions made me fat, and only my eating decisions will change that"

And this one's mine:
"You cannot achieve what you have not first imagined ... "


Brisbane, Australia

7th Mar 2005, 07:30
A contraceptive injection made me gain four and a half stone in 9 months. I've so far lost two and a half stone, but carefully in stages and its stayed off.

Can I ask why the sudden urge to lose the weight? (PM me if you like)


7th Mar 2005, 08:43
Ah, WTBF you are an inspiration ! Have put your links into my Favourites. I will just have to try again ...

7th Mar 2005, 10:08

Not saying its healthy cos it sure ain't but for quick weight loss...

OR a healthier alternative...

Cut out:
All wheat products and white rice. ( You can get rye bread etc)

All dairy ( soy or rice milk is fine. )

Red meat chicken (breast ocaissonally is fine.)

Drink heaps of water and eat heaps of fruit/veg

7th Mar 2005, 12:38
Do a search in the Medical forum. I can recall several very useful threads on this subject over the years and you'll pick up some good advice from those who've done it/are doing it without the unhelpful comments.

7th Mar 2005, 13:43
Flying is not a normal job it's a lifestyle espeacially if you are operating as long haul crew. Flying means eating, resting and exercising at irregular hours.

My suggestion to you is to find a good personal trainer in your area, ask some friends etc for references or just go down to your nearest gym, Im sure you are bound to get put in the right direction. Explain your lifestyle to your trainer and he can put you onto a nutritionist who can suggest a proper diet plan specifically for you.

I assure you that with the right exercise and diet plans you will look and feel a whole lot better. The sooner you get the right advice the sooner you will save time, energy and money. Most of all it will give you the safest and most effecient way to lose weight and keep it off. There are many crash diets around that may not necessarily transition you into feeling better with less kilos!

Maude Charlee
7th Mar 2005, 13:46
Eat a good breakfast. Cereal with semi-skimmed milk (that white, watery #### they call skimmed is rank), a slice of toast, fruit juice and a yoghurt. That will stop you feeling hungry too early in the day, and prevent you from snacking.

Take a 'normal' lunch, whatever that may be, but have a slightly smaller portion than normal.

In the evening, eat a light meal. Your body doesn't have enough time left to effectively burn off the calories you take on board at this time, unless you are particularly physically active. A simple salad, or even a fruit salad should stop you feeling hungry past bedtime. Make your own - don't buy any of that tinned rubbish.

Keep as busy as possible during the day, as boredom tends to lead to snacking which can be a real problem preventing weight loss. Try to avoid fatty foods and snacks. Limit your portions to a bit less than you would normally eat. Don't eat or drink high sugar content products either, and if you are a smoker try to give it up. Get your doctor to assist.

Additionally, you need to exercise if you aren't already. I hate jogging, but cycling I find much easier and as such, much more enjoyable and therefore ultimately more effective. Walking is good too, but it needs to be at a reasonably brisk pace, or strenuous to be effective. Hills or repetitive stair climbs are the best.

7th Mar 2005, 14:04
If you need to lose 3 stone, you really should see a GP before you start any diet or weight loss programme.

They will probably refer you to a weight-loss clinic who will advise you carefully to follow a programme that will help you lose weight and maintain your lower weight.

Be aware that most people who start dieting then yo-yo up and down for years, frequently ending up at higher weights. The rate of loss can be part of the problem - losing faster normally is followed by putting the weight back on - and losing 42 pounds in 13 weeks (3 lbs/week) is quite fast enough.

If you are serving flightcrew then your varied working/resting hours/sleep pattern will have a huge amount to do with your problem - so you will need to look at how you deal with that while you lose weight.

Good luck

Harry F Sanford
8th Mar 2005, 22:43
Eat whatever you like, just don't swallow anything.

Seriously, ANY exercise is the essential ingredient in my experience, and if intense exercise makes you feel worse, just start by walking up and downstairs. Remember how much better you used to feel when you hit the dance floor for a couple of hours? The weight probably stayed off then. You've got to get the body's metabolism going again if you've got a lot to loose.

9th Mar 2005, 08:20
Both Captian.Q and wishtobflying had the best advice.

Unfortunately there is not quick healthy way to lose weight. If you don't do it properly it wont work and you will never learn how to do it.

Unfortunately we are not really taught at school how to eat and excercise properly.

All the points that Captain.Q listed were exactly what you should. I would only disagree with the exercise part and suggest that you really go for it. Really push yourself for a 20 minute cardio workout 3 times a week. Don't make it that you are gasping for breath but make sure it hurts otherwise it's a waste of time.

The point with weight loss is that you need to think of an onion and how it unravels itself layer by layer. Your body fat does the same thing and will come off in layers and not just from your tummy, bum or thighs which is wear we usually want to lose it.

Anyway, I could go on and on. I spent a year re programming my brain to take on board some new habits.

I printed out some great words that I enlarged and pinned on the wall throughout my weight loss challenge and that was:

"If you want to live in that body, you've got to pay the rent"

Committment and focus and you can do it!!

9th Mar 2005, 13:08
One more bit of advice for the gym and/or when exercising - get a heart rate monitor and also read the "Heart Rate Monitor" Book by Sally Edwards (available thru Amazon I guess).

Like you I used to be 3 stone overweight, went on diets then put it all back on again!

Dare I say, I am a fan of Oprah Winfrey and spied her book "Make the Connection" in WH Smith one day, bought it and decided to copy EXACTLY what she did and it worked and I have been at my ideal weight for circa 10 years now! Whats more I feel great too!

Hear rate monitors are dead cheap and its like having a coach on your shoulder the whole time you are exercising. Its important you are working out in the aerobic zone (not anaerobic) for fat burning. Most modern exercise equipment will display heart rate as soon as you hop on, assuming you are wearing a monitor, and you can even set the machine for cardio mode to work out at a specific heart rate.

Finally, I have also found that the psychology of weight control is also important. When you "lose weight" friends and colleagues often say "You've lost weight". My answer to that is "No, actually I have gained, health, vitality and energy!". Who wants to lose anything? Also, why not try Paul McKenna's book "I can make you thin" which includes a CD for hypnosis etc. Dont laugh but this stuff DOES work if YOU work it!

Good Luck!

9th Mar 2005, 13:12
Very efficient is the chinese-diet.

Two weeks with one chop-stick.


10th Mar 2005, 06:45
Different intensities of exercise burn different fuel types.Hi intensity aerobic exercise burns liver glycogen,not fat.If your intention is to build muscle hi intensity aerobic exercise cannabalizes muscle and protein. To burn fat you need to be able to talk and breathe._This is how you determine you have reached the "fat burning"zone.Distinguish between "aerobic"and "anaerobic"before begiining an exercise programme else you may not achieve your goal.

10th Mar 2005, 07:55
Get your wisdom teeth extracted - I looked like a well beaten up gerbil for a week, and in that time lost a stone with no effort at all.

I think it is essential to ensure you have all 4 removed at the same time, under general anaesthetic on an overnight in hospital where they have used hammer & chisel to get one out which has fused to the jaw-bone.....this will def ensure the correct amount of bruising and pain to prevent effective eating for a week.

cheers ;)

10th Mar 2005, 08:37
Having lost 17lbs in 5 weeks I would say the quickest way to lose weight is to eat significantly less and exercise everyday. Of course, this is not the most healthy option and you do risk depriving your body of the total amount of calories it needs, especially in these winter months but I did it purely as an exercise to see what could be done if I put my mind to it.....

If you wish to lose weight and keep it off then read a thread I started some time back. There were some very good responses, particularly from Aztruck, who explains why it's not such a good idea to starve your body in order to lose weight. Read Here (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=96251&highlight=exercise)

My personal opinion is that diets like the Atkins and such are probably doing you more harm than good in the long run. Your body needs carbs so how could it be good to deprive yourself of them? Fat is unhealthy but not giving your body the correct sustenance is bad too. Read up on Rosemary Connelly diets. She insists that the best way to lose weight is to eat less fat and do more exercise and that's basically my view too. If you eat less fat then your body starts using up its fat stores - that's not rocket science and it sounds much healthier than some of these lifestyle diets out there.

Best of luck and remember - it's what's on the inside that really matters. ;)


10th Mar 2005, 09:59
EFAs..essential Fatty Acids.Its not the fat but the type of fat you consume.Deprive your body of Omega 3,6 and 9 and you are in trouble.All are EFAs and need to be consumed in the correct ratio.

Devlin Carnet
10th Mar 2005, 14:22
I'm sorry, but people who say that eating fat makes you fat really dont know what they are talking about.
It's not eating the fat that makes you fat but eating fat combined with the massive volumes of carbs as well.
The human body was not designed to eat masses of refined carbohydrate, it was designed to eat primarily animal tissue and basic carbs like vegetables.

High doses of carbohydrate such as bread, potatoes and pasta cause massive insulin production, which causes the over production of glucose in the blood to be stored as fat.
High fat and protein diets, combined with low carbohydrate produce a state of Ketosis which means that your energy is being produced by burning fat, not blood sugar, (which means that the layer of fat under your skin is being taken away)

Its a much more natural diet, despite what the western protanagists of the food pyramid may tell you.

I went on this diet 18 months ago, and lost 3.5 stone.
...And I'm as fit a a butchers dog!

A. Bruun-Pedersen
10th Mar 2005, 15:40
Eat healthy and excercise... that should do it!!!

High Wing Drifter
10th Mar 2005, 16:21

I believe the Atkins diet works because the usual inadvertant high protien diet. Researchers found that protien makes you less hungry calorie for calorie. So the truth of the matter seems to be eat more lean meat like chicken and fish (not fried).

If you want to take to much more reliable exercise method then it is important to do two things:

1) Eat more complex carb like pasta, honey, bananas, potato and greatly reduce simple carbs like sugar, snickers, etc!! Complex carbs do not provide an insulin rush, they are broken down gradually like the body of hours rather then the minutes (quick hit) of simple sugars.

2) When it comes to exercising don't fall into the trap of thinking that pain = gain. All pain = is injury, colds, flu and general tiredness. Exercising to loose weight means regular moderate exercise. It is very easy to run too fast when jogging. Generically speaking, it is something like the 65% of your max heart rate is the optimum fat buring zone. You burn less calories than 75-80% of max but you burn them from the right place. If you execise more vigourously then you just clear out your glycogen stores which means, when you eat they get topped up and the fat situation remains the same.

A bit simplistic, but you get the picture I hope.

10th Mar 2005, 17:37
The art of losing weight basically comes down to a simple equation:

The amount of ingested calories has to be lower than the amount of calories consumed (worked off) by your body.

It does not really matter if you stick to Atkins, SouthBeach or any other special diet scheme.

It is true though that - at least in biochemical theory - dietary fats will only be turned into body fat if you also eat some carbs, because the reactions involved in the build-up of body fat do require tiny amounts of carbs. Reality is that it is virtually impossible to eat a absolutely carb-free diet, since almost no food is totally carb-free. So don't try out a high-fat zero-carb diet at home...

Devlin Carnet
11th Mar 2005, 08:21
I never said an insulin rush, I said a massive insulin production, which is true.
And I never said no carbs diet I said Low carbs diet.
Oh, and atkins is not high protein, it is high fat, if your body cant find glucose in your blood (produced from carbs) it will use fat . . protein is used for cell repair/build.

11th Mar 2005, 19:50
I'm trying to lose some weight at the mo & succeeding by all the looks of it cause any day my trousers are liable to fall down around my ankles without me noticing. :uhoh:

I'm not into tortuous diets & counting every calorie so my doctor advised I eat porridge :yuk: (not bl**dy likely) :* in the morning or 'museli' cause it fills you up. 'Tropicano' he days is the best juice you can buy though of course water is the best. Plenty of veg & fruit too if you're like me & not a great fan of the first, also chicken, lean meat, fish, skimmed milk, light bread (though I spoil myself a bit with some homemade wholegrain). Careful of those 'Weightwatcher meals' though cause they've a high salt content. Try not to buy too many convenience foods, better cook your own so maybe invest in some low fat cookbooks, Marks & Sparks have a good range of low fat dishes if you must.

Just don't make it unpleasant for yourself otherwise IMHO you'll never keep at it & remember your diet starts in the supermarket. My shopping basket has never looked so healthy in years, if you haven't got cr@p in the house you can't eat it hence less temptation. If anything else the diet I'm on will improve my health goodo. :ok:

He also recommend filtering you water, nothing to do with losing weight though but because of the dangerous additives i.e. flouride & chloride that are dumped into them by those well intentioned but misinformed people who manage our water. He's the second extremely knowledgeable person I've heard speak on this issue in a matter of weeks. :ugh:

B Fraser
13th Mar 2005, 09:38
Sixmilehighclub wrote...

A contraceptive injection made me gain four and a half stone in 9 months.

A conceptive injection would also make you gain four and a half stone in 9 months. :}

I know the drill.... hat..... coat.....door

13th Mar 2005, 12:50
It took me a while to get it but . . . :} :} :}

17th Mar 2005, 08:55
A drug habit can really help
