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5th Mar 2002, 12:25
I continue to hear good things regarding Dragon, could anyone please tell me if they are sill recruiting.. .I know of guys awaiting start dates, does anyone know the time from interview to starting with Dragon.. .. .Thanks in advance

Flap 5
7th Mar 2002, 22:55
You have heard good things about Dragonair? Oh dear you should look at previous postings on pprune!

Captain White
19th Mar 2002, 04:26
There is always someone who complains! Pilot's never stop whining EH bah Gum ???. .KA is fine ! Constant work; stable roster; fly few nights; guys good to work with; salary & conditions reasonable.... .. .Job appears secure and KA still hiring. FOllow your instincts and give it a shot... you won't regret it I think !!!. .. .Good Luck !

19th Mar 2002, 04:48
Flaps 5 , I have several friends working for Dragonair, and they are more than happy with their lot. Do tell, what airline do you work for in which every single employee is delirously happy and would not dream of posting on this forum, which unfortunately attracts it's fair share of whingers and naysayers like yourself. As posted above, Dragonair has good rostering, excellent renumeration and Hong Kong is a very good, safe place to live. And yes, Flaps 5, I know this from first hand experience. Good luck to all who apply, if you go with an open mind I'm sure you won't be disappointed.. .. .Flaps 5, don't bother applying, if you are a pilot in the first place.. .. .Nosey

19th Mar 2002, 09:21
Rumour Mill,. .. .I was going thru some online hiring sites and saw KA taking in 3000 hrs instead of the usual 4000. 1000 pic or 500 turbine... something like that. If I find the site again, I will be sure to mail to those interested.. .. .Cheerios. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" /> <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="biggrin.gif" />

Flap 5
23rd Mar 2002, 12:30
I had many good years working for Dragonair, but times have changed. The salary is pretty poor for the high cost of living and the company has changed from being run by expats to being run by locals. Now the locals are a great lot in general but the ones at the top in KA, especially General Manager Personnel, have a big chip on their shoulder. Not good for a healthy working environment. But you are right there are many companies that have their problems.

23rd Mar 2002, 16:51
Hey Flap, For your information since you left things have just got better and better!!!.

24th Mar 2002, 08:26
Flap,. .. .By your reasoning, the expat management in CX should be a better lot to work for than KA??? Managers are out to screw staff regardless of their racial background. That is why organized labor union are needed and tough new labor laws enacted. Please don't use the KKK's approach when evaluating people.

Flap 5
26th Mar 2002, 12:30
Ivan,. .. .What a twisted mind you have! CX management has been proven to be bad, it has nothing to do with race. I made no mention of race. In fact I stated and I quote 'the locals are a great lot in general'.. .. .MJ,. .. .Glad to hear that things have got better since I left but then how would you know when that would have been? There have been many pilots that have left KA over the years, all through dissatisfaction.. .. .The cost of living is high in Hong Kong and a B scale salary is devisive and does not go very far. Life style, what life style?

27th Mar 2002, 08:35
Could it be that common pilot malaise again? Doesn't take very long b4 we become dissatisfied with our new lot, at a company we were once so keen to join. . .. .Like many I have been laid off in the last few months - I now look back at some past employers and realise how lucky I was. I for one am dead keen on Dragonair, was interviewed last year and told to have another go now. Still hoping for a 2nd chance.. .. .One is really in a luxurious position these days to be flying a lovely new bus on OK dosh with good workmates. Sometimes the grass isn't always greener U know!

27th Mar 2002, 09:16
couldnt agree more... the only good job you have in aviation is the one youre in now........................

2nd Apr 2002, 12:17
So back to the question...... Can anyone let us know if they are interviewing and if so how long is the interview process from initial interview to start date?:confused:

2nd Apr 2002, 20:36
A mate was, I think, interviewed in November, again in January and starts this month. Answer apears to be 5-6 months.

[email protected]

hapagsllad, contact me if you need more info.

4th Apr 2002, 04:04
Thanks - I just heard from the horses mouth that there will be no more interviews this year. Can anyone verify this or is it just a standard line????

4th Apr 2002, 16:41
I had heard that they now have a pool of pilots for this year, but pools dry up and droughts happen so things change quickly. Flap 5 sounds like a dinosaur to be ignored, most people I meet seem happy enough, if not they leave and others take their place, simple really. What more opportunity do you want than a company that takes DE captains (only 747 currently) and has just over a year to command for FOs on all fleets.