View Full Version : moving family to taiwan

2nd Mar 2005, 17:34
Are there any expat pilots living in taiwan with their families?
How are the living conditions for the family there?
Where do they live? (live together in compound style arrangements)
How about schooling for the kid.

thanks for the help

3rd Mar 2005, 02:30
There are probably a few, but most commute. Most people live in high rise apartments. If you have school age children then you will want to be near a school. The Taipei American School is in Tienmu, which happens to be one of the more expensive areas for that reason. The American school costs about USD 25,000 per year per child. Although maybe they give you a little break if you have two enrolled. You may want to contact your country's embassy/consulate in Taipei to get an idea of where they have their kids enrolled.


3rd Mar 2005, 14:08
Thank you. Your replies are always informative.

I have a 2 year old daughter. Are there good any bilingual schools? Where english and chinese are being thaught?

Are those recommendable, and maybe cheaper.

3rd Mar 2005, 16:22
You may find this website interesting:


I went to the Taipei American School website to look at the fees. My original statement is based on what my wife told me recently, it actually looks like around NT 500,000 per year or roughly $16,000.


International Trader
8th Mar 2005, 16:08
To be quite honest, I would say don't do it to your family.
I didn't move mine because the pollution is so bad that it just has to damage lungs .
What does the acid rain do ? I don't know but I don't want to find out. Yes, they have acid rain in Taipei and it is probably worse in other parts of the country as KSH constantly has a higher pollution rating than TPE

I have had breathing problems since I arrived and I only spend 10 days a month there, at most.
I would get 10 days of pollution and they would get 30!!!!!!

I wonder what the average life expectancy is like in Taiwan, not to mention the lung cancer statistics?
I'll bet the chances of illness are worse than getting attacked by the mainland!!!

The only schools for westerners are the three or four western schools because the others are in Mandarin not English.
The competition for places is as fierce as the price. Bye the way, the local schools are based on competition and the penalty system.

You would have to keep your two year old locked up inside. People at my company are now selling ionizing airfilters for use INDOORS!

Best of luck!

9th Mar 2005, 13:02
Hi Catsailor,

before moving your family, if you have not done it already, ask your wife to come in Taipei and stay fifteen days in an hotel or furbished appartment for two weeks and see her reaction.

Mine, was ready to move until living in TPE for one week, where the answer was "no f**king way, I 'll stay here more than a couple of weeks".

This is personal and every person is different, what is unacceptable for one may even be pleasurable for another, but try before commiting yourself!

Whatever you choose, have fun in TPE, place can be nice with some adaptation.

9th Mar 2005, 13:36
Dear I. Trader,

Where can I have that air filter?

International Trader
9th Mar 2005, 14:25
See Lek in the 744 fleet office

9th Mar 2005, 23:23
Hi there,
I grew up in Taiwan and went to the American schools there,
The Main "American/International" school in Taipei is
TAS (Taipei American School) which i would recommend for foreigners who are moving there. Also, Morrison Academy also has Taipei sister school called Bethany, which all are taught by american teachers recruited from the U.S. and have american curriculem.

As for living conditions, Taipei is a city to get use to. I posted earlier in a post called "Taipei" and if you want to take a look at it there, feel free to and msg me if you have more questions.