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View Full Version : CX Cadet Pilot Recruitment Process

19th Jan 2002, 20:00
Hi all,

Can someone please share some insight on the recruitment process right from the initial advertisement in the papers to final selection and some valuable advice on what are the things to take note along the way to the final selection. This could change my life if it goes well. Is the cadet pilot position exclusively for HK residents or do exceptions exist?

A zillion thanks in advance for the kind souls out there who will help me out on this one.

If there is a need, please feel free to email me privately at [email protected]


20th Jan 2002, 06:49
check the Cathay Cadet scheme thread in wannabes section.

20th Jan 2002, 22:14
I am not sure about exceptions in this particular case, not nationality related. There was a Japanese/Chinese woman who was half way through her CPL course in Melbourne but got transfered on to CP8/9.
And how about Helen Barker.

Mr Nice guy
21st Jan 2002, 08:10
yes there was such a case.... i'm currently on the course in ADL right now

ultrajetfuel: Yes you must have HK residency, there are NO exceptions. That is unless you're a CX staff and can apply for the staff pilot scholarship.

21st Jan 2002, 12:25
Hi all,

Thanks for the info. Really appreciate the input and emails. Pls continue to contribute all ya kind souls out there.


21st Jan 2002, 22:17
Politics and acquaintances gets you on this course.

Mr Nice guy
22nd Jan 2002, 17:30
[quote] Politics and acquaintances gets you on this course. <hr></blockquote>

I don't think it's fair at all to say that. Nearly everyone on the courses I know did not have any prior connection with CX.

23rd Jan 2002, 22:03
Wannabe Cadet. . .Could you please tell me what your CX S/O class is like in ADL. Specifically what is the standard level of education amongst your classmates? What is the average amount of hours logged? What is the spread of ages in your class - youngest and oldest? What type of contract did CX make you sign? How long do you remain a S/O with CX before moving on to Junior F/O?(provided that things return to normal in the next year or two). . .That Learjet 45 with the CX livery looks like a real beauty. Good luck with your course.. .Thanks in advance.

Mr Nice guy
24th Jan 2002, 04:58
Well for starters, we are not SOs at all, we are only cadet pilots. It's not compulsory we log any flying time before starting the course but some do have a little. The youngest guys on the course are around 18-19, oldest around early 30s. Education level you have anyone from people with just secondary schooling to people with masters.

24th Jan 2002, 19:53
Thanks for the info Wannabe Cadet. . .Cheers.