View Full Version : Prince Andrew heir to throne?

1st Mar 2005, 22:14
I had thought about it before and today it was mentioned in the papers, that if Prince Charles relinquishes his right to the throne, his line of the family will be cut off, William will not be next in line and Prince Andrew will be next up. Charles needs to be crowned in order for William to make it.

There must be some of you out there who know the 'Real Andrew', from his RN days, so I would like to ask those who do;

How will he fair as King of this fair land?

Sounds a bit of a journo question I know, so maybe just leave this thread as a 'food for thought.


Edited 'cause I realise there won't be any replies. :{

2nd Mar 2005, 01:03
Perhaps HRH The Princess Royal, should go to the European Court reference sexual discrimination and claim the throne as the Monarchs Eldest child. Gets rid of both Charles and Andrew in one fair and EO sweep.

2nd Mar 2005, 01:07
And the RN would still be represented, via the Prince Consort. Prince Timothy, anyone?

2nd Mar 2005, 08:18
Taint necessarily so...

The argument expressed is based on Edward VIII's Instrument of Abdication, in which he did indeed abdicate on behalf on any heirs he might have subsequently produced - although as he was (allegedly) hung like a hamster in a cold bath, it may be deemed unlikely. This was to prevent any "Pretender" situation.

On Ed VIII's abdication, the then Heir Presumptive, Prince Albert Duke of York (who became Geo VI) took the reins (or the reigns - boom boom)

So one argument would say that Charles could not take Wills/Harry out of the equation, as they were already in existence and heirs. A better argument is that any new Instrument of Adbication will be as much of a one off as they want and could say anything they choose; if Charles were to abdicate (which I think very unlikley), the public would not see Wills as a "Pretender" but (with justification) as the rightful heir.

If it did seem likely that Wills would be written out of the script, I think public opinion would prefer Chazza to stay in for whatever short while it would be before he popped his hand-made monogrammed Jermyn Street clogs.

If his Mum (80 next month God Bless 'Er) lasts as long as her Mum did, he won't get much of a look in anyway........

If Andrew got the job, subsequently we would have Queen Beatrice - and Fergie as the Queen Mum! I don't think so..:rolleyes:

Anne would certainly do well .... but isn't she a divorcee...;)

2nd Mar 2005, 10:08
Common Law “heirs of the body” – the term used in the Act of Settlement – divides property equally between daughters when there is no son, and any indivisible titles go into abeyance (i.e. cease to exist until a single heir emerges). By those rules, Elizabeth and her sister Margaret were co-heirs, and neither had exclusive right to the Crown.

Since Margaret’s death, her son, Viscount Linley, is the representative of her half of the claim. The situation has never arisen before. In both previous cases of two sisters (Mary I and Elizabeth I; Mary II and Anne), their succession was determined by Act of Parliament, so the Common Law rules didn’t apply.

Pragmatically, nobody ever seriously questioned Elizabeth right to reign. But in the event of Charles renouncing his claim Viscount Linley, would have a sound legal and historical claim to become the heir apparent..... :}

2nd Mar 2005, 11:44
T'head. Your arithmetic is abysmal; 1 out of 10 See Me!

2005 - 1926 = 79. HMQ will be 79 on 21 Apr 2005

Now do the following sums as revision:

If Prince Charles had been born in 1942, how old would he have been when he was actually born?

If the Queen Mum had lived forever, how old would she be in 2205?

2nd Mar 2005, 12:08
Bugger bugger bugger. That's what comes of only going to a Grammar School (best say that before BEags does):(


6 (assuming the 1942 date was on or before 14 Nov, his actual birthday)


1 Jan - 3 Aug 2205 - 304
4 Aug - 31 Dec 2205 - 305

Do I pass my resit?:8

2nd Mar 2005, 12:14
But if the Queen Mum had lived forever, surely the question shoud be how old would she have been. And what would the year be now? :confused:

2nd Mar 2005, 12:19
Either Linley or Anne would stand some slight chance of restoring respect for a hard-working monarchy that puts duty and example before selfish concerns.....

2nd Mar 2005, 13:55

Well done. You clearly just had a mental aberration.


When you are standing in the corner with your dunce's cap on your head, please do not interrupt!

English, boy! English!

"If" is a subordinating conjunction that can be linked with "would" when the latter is being used as the subjunctive mood of "will" to project a supposed event in the future. Certainly, since the date 2205 is in the future, your assertion that the past tense of the verb "to be" should be used is idiosyncratic with common English usage.

Furthermore, your spelling of the past tense of the verb shall (ie should rather than shoud as described by you) leaves me no alternative but to increase your punishment further.

Please copy out the poem "IF" by Rudyard Kipling in your best hand writing and have it on this forum by first light tomorrow!

The year now, ORAC, is 2005!!!! Do you know nothing?

2nd Mar 2005, 14:51
Please Sir, copy out the poem "IF" wouldn't The Gods of the Copybook Headings (http://www.kipling.org.uk/poems_copybook.htm) be more appropriate...;)

2nd Mar 2005, 15:14

Very good, boy, but please stick to arithmetic until you have at least perfected that!

16 blades
2nd Mar 2005, 15:17
how old would he have been when he was actually born?

Errr.......0, surely?!!!

"He was born at a very early age"



2nd Mar 2005, 16:00

RTFQ! No one like's a smart erse! You will be joining ORAC if you ain't careful!

2nd Mar 2005, 16:48
Why don't everyone speak english proper, like what I does?

3rd Mar 2005, 11:05
I'm afraid you'll have to put up with Prince Jug Ears and our lovely new Princess of Hearts for a while yet. Don't knock Grammar Schools either. I'm not a fan of William getting the job. He and is brother spend too much time on p*ss to make a credible head of state.

3rd Mar 2005, 12:20
"He and is brother spend too much time on p*ss to make a credible head of state."

But would be admirable members of the armed forces though.

3rd Mar 2005, 21:49
If you have to mention the mother of our current monarch then please remember that she must be given the correct honorific.
The correct term is;

"The Queen Mother ; Gawd bless 'er"

4th Mar 2005, 08:01
But would be admirable members of the armed forces though.

Maybe you are right and it explains why they have chosen the Army. :mad:

4th Mar 2005, 08:22


Looks like diplomatic service meets the job spec :O

4th Mar 2005, 12:52
Surely the legislature will have turned us into a Republic by then with The President for Life and Mr Booth, the Presidential Consort.

4th Mar 2005, 15:04
Just to get back to the question. I spent three years on 815 [Newcastle flight] and two on 702 when HRH was there, but sadly have nothing positive to say about him from the perspective of the "lower deck". We spoke a few times, and whilst polite, got the impression he was not genuinely interested in anything I may have had to say, so formulated the impression that he was basically up his own XXXX.

Highlight for me was being introduced to Fergie, and wondering what the hell was wrong with his eye sight, although first to admit that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Finally loved the way he was transported every where by personal jag, after all it was a considerable distance from the wardroom to the line at Portland.


bad livin'
6th Mar 2005, 12:59
Can anyone here claim to have been present when HRH joined a T22's flight? Every wardroom has a nice framed pic of HRH and Prince P on the bulkhead...apparently Prince A rocks up to find the wardroom decorated with a pic of everyone else's parents too...


7th Mar 2005, 07:54
Ive worked/Flown with H many times both on 820 and 815 and whilst he is not the most charismatic fella nor is he anyway to be confused with leadership in any form...he does have one attribute which makes him stand out from the rest and thast he is a natural poler....good pilot.