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View Full Version : Australian to JAR CPL/ATPL - practical

26th Feb 2005, 09:42
Just wondering how people have gone about converting their Australian, or any ICAO licence for that matter. I am sitting the last three subjects in a few weeks and am wondering what the best option is for issue of a practical licence.

I know Reddo chose for the Shed, with good prospects of a job thereafter. Are there any guys with experience who opted for the basic CPL/IR and still walked into a good job afterwards?

Luke SkyToddler
26th Feb 2005, 22:53
Yep there are plenty who did just that (the CPL/IR thing) - just about all of us in fact. What are you starting out with here, an Aus ATPL already in hand, or just CPL/IR?

If you've already got an Aus ATPL then the only cost effective option is obviously to convert it on the type you've already been flying down under. Even that can be a major hassle with the cost of sims / aircraft up here. Obviously you will need it if you are gunning for a direct entry command on whatever type you fly, but if you're expecting to get put in a RHS initially then there's really no point in paying for the ATPL test yourself.

If you have only got a CPL/IR then I would say it would be pretty foolish to rock up here in the UK not knowing anyone, and charge straight in and buy some type rating on some battered old freighter on the off chance of a job, especially if you've already got some hours from down under. Just do the basic Seneca thing, fire off some CVs and see what happens. You can always go buy a type rating in a few months time if you're still out of work, once you've sussed out a few connections in the industry up here.